2003-12-23 09:01:16UnWanted

What I want? Naked, MIT

Dec. 22nd 2003

This has been removed N times, as usual. Now I don't count the times, I would just keep the log record, easier to count. Respond now to inquire the originals if you think you might interested in reading.

_________________________What I want? Naked, MIT_________________________

Men N1, N2, N3 to Ninfinity asked: 'What do you want?'

Then I asked: 'Well, what do you want?'

Then they all said: 'Be naked instantly when we first meet.'

Hmmm… Since I'm fairy clear what all men want, then here is what I want:

There was a movie, I can not recall the title. However, there was a scene like this: A remarried woman woke up in the middle of the night, and she found her ex-husband came into the house to kill her, and then she exclaimed, and then her middle-50 husband heard that from the bedroom, asked: 'What happened?'

Then she said: 'Nothing, just get up to get a glass of milk.'

Then when she was almost got killed by her ex-husband, her husband showed up with a gun and then killed the uninvited man.

Then she asked: 'How do you know to come here with a gun?'

He said: 'Because you don’t usually get up in the middle of night to get a glass of milk, you always get a soda, so I knew something wrong.'

And, this afternoon, a 6’1, 158# man in a pool asked me to have a drink afterward. He said he used to play ice hockey. He has a cute face and nice smile.

He said: 'Do you come here often?'
I: 'No, this is my first time.'
He: 'Would you come here often?'
I: 'I don't know. I come here to lose weight. I used to swim in Balboa Park pool rather than here.'
He: 'I think you have a beautiful body.'
I: 'Oh, Thanks. I still need to cut some weight. I'm a stress eater. When I feel pressured, I can't stop eating.'
'I would tell myself: 'Stop, stop, don't eat anymore; go out to run for 10 minutes!', still I would only stay in the kitchen and munching.'
He: 'Where does the stress come from?'
I: 'No body loves me.'
He: 'No kidding, I'm here, talking to you.'
I: 'Thanks. You don't love me, you like me.'
He: 'If you give me a chance, maybe later I'll love you.'
I: 'Hmmm… Can we talk later, I come here to swim, we can talk later.'
He: 'After you, I'll swim after you.'

And then we went to a coffee shop near by my home to chat after my swimming.
He: 'Where do you live?'
I: 'Glen Park'
He: 'Then we live very close, I live right at the Glen Park station.'
And then he said: 'Would you mind if I go home to change my pants first.'
I: 'Why? You have your pants on already.'
He: 'Ya, but I don't like this pair.'
I: 'If you don't like it, then why did you wear it?'
He: 'Well, I got up kind of late, so I just wore whatever I had and then went out. I like to wear jeans.'
I: 'I see, so you feel that you are half naked with your present sport pants?'
He: 'Ya, kind of.'
I: 'OK, then let's go get changed. But be quick.'
He: 'No problem. Only a minute.'

Then, he led me into his room, sat on his bed, then he showed me his stuff animal, then he kissed the teddy bear, and then past the teddy bear to me: 'Would you like to kiss it?'
I: 'I don't think I want to kiss it. But it's yours, you may kiss as many times as you want. That looks cute.'
Then he opened his drawer: 'What should I wear?'
Then I thought: 'Why? Should I tell you which underwear to wear?'
Then he pulled one with green cartoon icons on it. Then I said: 'How about the spider one?'

Then he sat down with his underwear, then I said: 'Do you want me to watch you to change?'
He: 'Ya, I don't mind, it's OK.'
I: 'I prefer not to watch, I'll leave you here.' Then I walked out.

Then we drove to the coffee shop to chat2 hours. Then he said I talked many things related to him.

Then we left to his car, then there were 3 women in a car after his car and was ready to leave, clapping there hands: 'Kiss her! Kiss her!'
'She is cute, kiss her!'
'I have a camera, kiss her!'
I said to the three ladies: 'You ARE cute, let him kiss you.'
The driver: 'Listen, I haven't have sex for 8 months. Just kiss her!'
Then he: 'Is that OK to kiss you?'
I: 'No, and listen! There are 3 desirable candidates, she has hinted you strongly, you should kiss her.'

And the women still got a picture after he kissed my head and then left with weird satisfaction.

Then he said: 'Can we hang around later on and see what's going on?'

I: 'I'm sorry. I know it's hard to feel being rejected. However, I think we would just be friends. You know, everyone for one's own mate has certain images. I do, too. And I just want friends and I don't want to take advantage of you and give you an empty promising hope.'

He: 'OK. Then I still want to hang around and then I would leave if someday I want to protect myself once I start to want something more.'

I: 'I feel terrible about men, they just treat me as a sex object. Once they figure out that I don't want to be a sex object. They would just leave. As if my only value is providing sex.'

He: 'I never think of that, let me think and then I'll tell you. But if once ever I want to have sex with you, that would be not I treat you as a simple sex object.'

And then basically I repeated what I said again. And then we waved goodbye.

And then he reminded me many many men I met. So I think I need to readjust my attitude. I think it's fine for me to have instant off-clothes process. It's just I have to have man who knows every tiny bit of me like the husband in the movie.

And only men fit the following list would make me feel want to get up to close to that stage:

1. Open minded, calm all the time, hard to get agitated.
2. Smiley, cheerful, very attractive. Not interested in casual sex, has experiences that women come to his bed spontaneously and he shoveled them home.
3. IQ >136; verbal SAT 99%; better possesses under from MIT/Harvard/Stanford/John Hopkins equivalent schools
4. Makes me laugh easily and enjoys making me laugh.
5. Speaks French, Italian.
6. 6'< height< 5'9; waist/hip ratio =0.9; 50< heart beat <70; no chest hair
7. Militant non-smoker; non druggy; no gambler; no alcohol excessively; no STD
8. No cats, dogs as pets. I'm allergic to the dander. I can play with them, I just can't live with them in an enclosed space/room.
9. No snoring; high body temperature; very warm all night long, no cold sweat after the midnight till dawn. I’ve been sleeping with my snoring grandma, mother, father, uncle for decades. The least thing I want to do is to find a grass mowing machine next to my pillow at night for another 6-8 hours. My body temperature drops easily if I'm not moving. I often feel the chills come out from my chest and shake my whole body time to time, and so I have to drink hot water or take a hot bath to heat myself up. But once I fell asleep, then my body temperature keeps going up till I woke up and feel so warm, not hot warm, medium warm.
10. 0 point driving record
11. Speaks no Mandarin to me if he can not get the tones right (quiet a few claimed they can speak well and they sounded out of tones, totally incomprehensible).
12. Mile swimmer.
13. Strongly has a distaste for all non-baroque type music.
14. Has at least a BS degree; loves Physics; has common sense in Law, Finance.
15. Knows more than just F letter to insult people
16. Good cook
17. Enjoys hiking trails and natural reserves than shopping malls.
18. Plays BACH in piano and violin.
19. Takes responsibility of his own words; Is thoughtful and considerate; Enjoys teaching me.
20. With reachable telephone # area code 415.
21. Kind, giving, with philanthropic attitude.
22. Knows how to take off women's clothes properly the way that women would enjoy and also help him to take off his clothes; knows how to stoke or squeeze a woman gently to make her feel that she wants him to touch her more and more.
23. Will take me to his parents and introduce me to them as a mate-meant-to-be.
24. Shows respect to me and talk to me at least 10 hours a week in the way I want to hear more and more. And, capable to fully express his own feelings verbally in both writing and speaking and willing to deal with the emotional conflicts among us in daily life.
25. etc. (This is a draft only, so… )

Hei! Don't ask me why I list such and that. It is you guys want instant off-clothes scene, not me.
And if I don't need the list, I can just go to SF zoo to find some chimpanzee. I'm an evolved human being, so I have checklist, Period.