2008-04-24 10:41:58Learning

How to deal with ONE-ITIS 真命天女症

Hello, both fellows and others, this time i am going to introduce a common "disease". Well, not really disease, a mental sticking point--the ONE-ITIS.
First of all let me introduce this stuff with couple of questions:
1.Have you ever fallen in love with a person, and you couldn’t do things probably in front of him/her?
2.Do you think all his/her body languages are particularly for do for you? (like blink at you...a high five etc.)
3.Do you think he/she is nearly perfect?
4.Do you think he/she especially different from other people?
5.You think that you are going to have a good life with her and have a good time with her by asking her out?
If the above were all/mostly answered by YES!
Then you got one-itis.
One it is, it is a kind of sticking point to any boys especially, they like a girl so much that they couldn’t speal well in front of her, and keep imagine she is their girlfriend.
Well, yes, i got i one it is before, with Xinyi (years ago) and Lishyan( have to say that, i am such an idiot by getting one-it-is with her, no offence.)
How to deal with it? Go Fuck Ten Other Women, PUAs called them GFTW. After your F***ing with the others, you will realize that, she is just like the others, she has no difference from normal women.
Let’s see how experts deal with it...

How to Eliminate ONE-ITIS
author: "Gonz"
date: Tue, 7 April 2005 16:20:00 GMT
subject: How to ELIMINATE ONE-ITIS...Women tend to get over a guy when she’s away from him. Men, on the other hand, have intensified feelings about a girl when she’s around. You know what this means, right...

Q- What is one-itis?
A- One-itis is defined as an infatuation with another individual who does not return those same feelings. One-itis victims can usually be seen pining over a single individual, constantly overanalyzing every situation, and asking his friends what he can do "to get this girl". One-itis is generally seen a malady because the "relationship" in question does not produce similar feelings from all individuals involved.

Q- How do I get over my one-itis?
A- Women tend to get over a guy when she’s away from him. Men, on the other hand, have intensified feelings about a girl when she’s around. You know what this means, right? Do the girl ritual.

Step 1- Delete her number and name from her cell phone. If she calls, tell her you "have to do ---. I’ll talk to you later."

Step 2- Rid yourself of any pictures of her. Throw them in a deep closet. You’re only defeating yourself by keeping them around.

Step 3- Delete your e-mail transactions and her messager screenname, in addition to any online connections that you may reach her at. Don’t block her. You don’t hate her; you just don’t care anymore. She is not a special vagina.

Step 4- Avoid places that she frequents for a period of time. If you work with her, that’s your fault for getting involved with your fucking coworker.

Step 5-You’re not angry at her; you’re just moving on to bigger and better.

Step 6- Surround yourself with friends. Sarge immediately. NOW you position yourself to GFTOW.

Q- But she’s special; she’s different; she’s perfect for me.
A- As of the last census, there are 6.5 billion people in the world. As the rough percentage of women is 53% of the total population, there are almost 3.5 billion women out there. Are you telling me that you just coincidentally tripped and fell into "the one"? There’s a statistically higher chance of being struck by lightning three times than that being your "one special girl".

Q- Then why is she "perfect" for me?
A- Because males tend to rosetint and accentuate positive characteristics of women they feel they have a chance with. Try being critical of her one day. Notice how she doesn’t shave her arms, or how she sports lovehandles, or has no common sense.

Q- Why do I feel that I have a chance?
A- She was either nice to you once or is still nice to you, but won’t have sex with you because she likes feeling wanted. Thus, she likes having you around so that she can feel sexy, but she’s not going to have sex with you. I’ve seen it work ONCE. ONE TIME. That’s a single instance out of hundreds. Don’t take the risk. Don’t feed her ego and kick yourself in the balls day in and day out. Her bowel movements don’t smell like lilacs. She’s not special. You, on the other hand, are special, because when you realize that you can get ANY girl, one single girl means nothing to you.

Q- Why is one-itis bad?
A- Because a normal, healthy relationship consists of two (or more) individuals fulfilling each other and strengthening each individual. One-itis is one individual improving their confidence at the expense of another person. You can do better.

Q- How can I make sure I never get one-itis again?
A- Unlike what you would normally do in most situations (stop talking to women altogether), the goal here is to remain in contact with as many women as possible. This allows you to keep a "there’s always more fish in the sea" perspective. Experience a lot of women, have sex with them if you choose, and attempt to hold a MLTR (multiple long term relationship). Try and balance two or three girls at the same time.
Q- So if I forget about her and move on, then I’ll get her?
A- Get that out of your mind. Time and time again, I’ve seen buddies who only go after girls in hopes that the girl he’s "forgotten" about will get jealous and chase him. Not gonna happen.

...and if it does happen, once you come around, she’ll drop you again in seconds. Accept the inevitability that she has to be tossed aside.

阿Q 2008-04-24 18:01:28

誰會那麼無聊 = =