2014-04-11 18:19:20仿佛依然是昨天

feisty chile pepper oil

feisty chile pepper oil

This double broccoli quinoa bowl is a favorite of mine. I cook up lots of broccoli, then puree half of it into a pesto. The other half is cut into little florets. Tossed with some quinoa, sliced avocado, and a drizzle of feisty chile pepper oil, it makes a nice meal and I hope you like it as much as I do.

If you don't have quinoa, you can certainly swap in a pasta or any number of other foundation ingredients. Farro would be nice, millet might work, barley, pearled barley, or even your favorite brown rice. If you're in the mood for something a bit more substantial - let's say for dinner or something - I do different versions. Sometimes I serve the broccoli quinoa over an omelette, other times I might have it with a poached egg on top. Or I might toss in some baked tofu, or pan-fried tempeh. It's hard to screw up.

I should mention that I do like this served with a bit of feta crumbled on top. I wrote that into the recipe as (optional), but if you've got some feta on hand (or goat cheese), go for it. For easy left-overs I make extra quantities of each of the main components, and use them throughout the week - the broccoli pesto, chile oil, quinoa (you can freeze it if you don't use it).

Pan-fried Chickpea Salad Recipe Types of Friends �ѐ۶��� Coconut-Pecan Macaroons Mini Cranberry Chocolate Upside-Down Cakes ���µĕr��һ�ж��p��� �M�M˼�w���隑 �r�յĘ�� �Ȼ���� ѩ����
thgf 2014-04-12 11:27:40

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