2013-11-28 10:56:25那一抹溫柔

Rolex Thielemann and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra watch


Rolex Thielemann and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra


The grand show was held in Beijing, it is worth mentioning that China Central Television will be the first to record the entire Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the National Theatre, the musical event will be broadcast to European countries. Vice President Mr. Yang Jingmao National Theatre, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Mr. Clemens 哈尔斯堡博士 (Dr. Clemens Hellsberg), Rolex (Beijing) Co., Ltd., general manager of High Matilda (Matthias Koeppen), had repeatedly directed the show, Mr. Lang Kun CCTV opera music director, on November 1 attended this show press conference,LV包包, giving afar classical music's top performers were enthusiastic support. Rolex will present this by the maestro Christian Thielemann brought Mr. portrait of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra performed a concert at the National Theatre.


Rolex Thielemann and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra


Rolex cooperation with the Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert began in 2009. The first day of the annual New Year's concert will be staged at the Vienna Musikverein grand, is the largest international classical music events, for more than 80 countries and regions live. The traditional program demonstrates the most charming Viennese musical culture to the world sent containing hope,LV包包, friendship and peace in the New Year greetings.


partner in the choice of brands, Rolex's aim is to encourage excellence and to adhere to the relentless pursuit of perfection, which is the pillar of the concept of the brand philosophy, while also adhering to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra the same principle. Because of this, Rolex is proud to become the internationally renowned orchestras exclusive sponsor. This independent orchestra, founded in 1842, its focus uphold the integrity of the arts, humanities and to convey the feelings of the audience of music known worldwide.


Rolex Thielemann and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra


Vienna Philharmonic to visit art galleries and the National Theatre again. They believe that China's National Grand Theater in Vienna already is becoming a "Golden Hall", is the world of classical music superior forces of the new gathering place. Yangjing Mao, vice president of the National Grand Theatre, said, "We are very pleased to be working again with the world-renowned Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and opened a new prologue and cultural exchanges. During performances, Beijing citizens through high-quality performances and a series of highly creative exchanges close contact to Zhezhi the world's top orchestras, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra's personal experience and artistic attainments charm of their music. "


Rolex cooperate with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra brings the highest level of many musical events. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra Clemens 哈尔斯堡博士 (Dr. Clemens Hellsberg) said, "We are honored to have such an exclusive sponsor Rolex. Across the globe, I hardly think there will be more than Rolex brand more enthusiastic commitment to their art has always been rooted in their effort to support artistic excellence for promoting global great enthusiasm - from budding artists to world-renowned musicians, to prestigious institutions and the world's top classical concerts and opera. "

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