2013-11-28 10:56:16那一抹溫柔

Sotheby's will Beijing Art Week presents portraits of Rembra


Sotheby's will


Rembrandt "man hands on her hips like"


Sotheby's Impressionist and Modern Art Department of the International Union chairman David Norman (David Norman) said: "The Dutch Golden Age spans almost the entire seventeenth century, it was then the center of European culture, and the world's most economically One of the wealthiest countries, when the Dutch artists, scientists and businessmen are seen as the Western world's most innovative group, which distinguished artist Rembrandt non-none other than he is one of art history's most famous portrait painter, specializing in depicting biblical and historical themes, and the pieces of "man hands on her hips like" using subtle yet multi-layered tones, showing the depth of the painting, exciting, indeed, be like no other artist like Rembrandt perfectly mastered the art of portraiture, His ability to capture the essence of the sitter's personality and also unmatched. Though these paintings have been for centuries, but they are still able to travel through time, to impress people.


Rembrandt art history is one of Europe's greatest artists, he has inspired countless artists over the generations, so this is very honored to be able to Sotheby Rembrandt's masterpiece brought to the Chinese capital of Beijing and Center for the Arts, is becoming more and more refined taste of the majority of Chinese collectors, presenting the opportunity to enjoy this piece of important paintings, to see the master of the outstanding painters and Asia to meet interest on top of Western art collectors growing. "


· About Rembrandt Van Ha Manzi Ruijin and "man hands on her hips like"


Rembrandt in Amsterdam after arriving in 1631, and soon became one of the city's most sought-after portrait painter, at the beginning of his career has been renowned art scene. Despite his late into financial difficulties, is an internationally renowned Rembrandt still great artists, celebrities are also businessmen,LV包包, Wang Gonggui competing sought after objects.


"hands on her hips like a man," as in 1658, only two other works of Rembrandt in his artistic career out of this year and this is exactly what most innovative artists, but also the most embarrassing predicament period. And Rembrandt as early realistic style portraits distinct, prominent artists present for treatment of light and shades in between minimalist rendering rich color effects, which bring out the spiritual exchange. "Man hands on her hips like" atmosphere shaped soft strokes and strokes today seems perhaps not surprising, but at the time it is truly pioneering work.

 Peter Sutton

American Greenwich Chief Executive Officer Bruce Museum of Arts and Sciences describe: "This work boldly conceived, filling the late Rembrandt mature sound, a distinctive style of painting strokes human identity is unknown, the picture depicts three-quarters of its length. , the front face of the viewer, looking directly into his hands around his waist, face calm count, almost haughty air of confidence. ...... light spilled from the upper left, lit sitter cheek, right shoulder, left arm sleeves, Li is now a sense of space to convey the majesty of imposing figures, pen force strong, totally powerful. ...... abundant levels of this painting, minimalism and lush colors. "


"hands on her hips like a man" can be the source of an orderly, famous legend, the source can be traced back to the eighteenth century - the earliest known painting is owned by Daniel Dolby (Daniel Daulby), which was then Britain's most famous Rembrandt works collectors. This made its debut in 1798 when held Daniel Dolby Collection auction, has been described as "Britain's most eminent experts recognized as the real thing,LV包包, and is one of the most important works of Rembrandt, very good state of conservation"; this for the 18th - 19th Century subsequently been several prominent collectors have collections. In 1930, the "man hands on her hips like" at Sotheby's London sold; to 1939, the Atlantic and the Pacific supermarket chain heir, comes from one of America's richest families Huntington · Ha Fude George II (George Huntington Hartford II) became the owner of this work, and described the painting as "I've seen Rembrandt's greatest works." 1958, 哈弗德 the paintings will be donated to Columbia University in New York, and subsequently sold the painting changed hands businessman Harold Diaz Mans (Harold Diamond), the proceeds used to support the endowment fund in 1974. This was made in the same year, Johnson & Johnson heir J · Seward Johnson (J · Steward Johnson) acquired after the 2009 auction in London, was Las Vegas casino owner Steve Wayne ( Steve Wynn) photograph.


"man hands on her hips like" for the first time in the UK Fine Arts Association (British Institution) an exhibition on display in 1847, and subsequently also be included in other important exhibitions, including in 1969-1970, respectively, at the Chicago Art College (Art Institute of Chicago), Minneapolis Museum of Art (Minneapolis Institute of Arts), "and Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit Institute of Arts) held three years later Rembrandt - Rembrandt and follow by exhibition. "


Sotheby Beijing Art Week Exhibition Details ratio


"masters of modern art exhibition: From Rembrandt to Picasso - performance figures of Western art" private sales exhibition


Date: 2013 年 November 28 to December 1

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