2019-04-22 21:12:40freudhayek

The truth about "choice the Capable man "!

Monopoly is the enemy of the people.
Exclusivity is the enemy of good management, unless forced by full freedom of competition Individuals who compete for their own business in order to protect themselves, otherwise they will never be universal Establish excellent management practices.
[The Wealth of Nations] Adam. Smith
If "politics is a clever trick"; then, the meaning of "party politics",
Naturally, it means "a political party is a brilliant fraud group."
Political figures usually force people through law or institutions to force people obey their so-called "wise leadership." In order to avoid the vast majority of our whole people are against them, they usually divide us into many different small groups.
And then, break down each us. Such means of division, envelopment, and individual smashing,It’s not uncommon in history, and it’s going on too.
But, how can we use our means to reform them, instead of letting
This group of fraud groups, which are still taking turns to monopolize political power, continue to be a nonsense, and suppress the development of our society?
If the current so-called "election method" formulated by them is continued, still work.
These two partys  have already learned the political parties that have taken turns to monopolize the politics of the Republic of China.
Continue to pretend to be wise, and continue the division, encirclement, and various broken reforms us.
In each election, the political parties in the wild who may be in power will appeal to the voters and teach the bad goods that are in power. After several "party rotations", it was only that they took turns to monopolize the politics of the Republic of China and took turns to become the enemy of the people.
Can't they be seen by what they call the "people"?