昨天一群女生去A train聚餐喝小酒,我很有自知之明地只喝白開水,大家酒酣耳熱之際,總是扯感情的話題,只能說是空洞到了極點,其實我還真有那麼點想聽音樂的目的在,不過昨天不知道是不是位子的關係,音樂好小聲都聽不太見。
禮拜二下班後去上了很喜歡的黃老師的邱素貞瑜珈,雖然我每次被老師彎折身體的時候總是很害羞地覺得自己好像A片女主角在呻吟,但是我覺得老師有認真在調教我,收穫不少。下課以後墮落地去了A train,搞到十一點半才回家。
It was a beautiful wedding.
Since I made friend with this girl, I told myself I must attend her wedding in the future.
Because she is my best friend and I want to be there on the most important day of hers.
And yes, I did.
But I was more surprised that the naive and kind hearted girl I used to know has become a beautiful grownup with very fluent and proper speech on the stage in front of me.
I wiped my tears several times, when I saw her happiness on her face, shining the peaceful and mature happiness.
I watched the vedios they made for the wedding, seeing deeper about both of them and discovered the diffirent faces I haven't seen.
And there were so many people's blessings.
I was proud of my best friend who owned her beloved husband and so many good friends gathering together for witnessing her happiness. I could not help to hold my tears when I saw her wiping tears on the stage, too.
I did not realize why until I came back to Taiwan. I thought it was beause of a sense of sorrow.
When I was looking through the pictures of the wedding, and the later pictures they took on the honeymoon, I realized the reason I cried is because the sentimentality of sensing my best friend was leaving me because she has found her love.
And I was glad and very appreciated that her husband was going to hold her in each other's lives.
Many guests gave speeched about marriage. I was not familiar with this topic. But I was glad I attended the wedding party and witnessed my friend's happiness and the same way her husband looking at her, with full of love, trust, and thoughtfulness.
Thank you for inviting me.
Good marriage and with all my blessings.
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