2006-07-14 05:48:31淘 氣 小 毛

Hi guys_

I’m in a special class now.

It’s a acting class, the teacher is a actress!

Sounds cool huh? XD

That’s because I’m changing to a new class now!

D to W.. These class are too easy for me,

so I go to a higher class.

I take special class, my friends are in normal class!!

Cause I’m special good?

I don’t know,

but there are some people who can’t speak English in W, too.


I don’t like this ASPECT,

tests are NOTHIG for them..

I still take classes with "Chinese Onlys",

even if I stil can talk to teacher,

then I can stay Taiwan to take ESL.

I feel STUPID with the TEST!

上一篇:I’m in America!!

下一篇:No ending_