2011-04-14 22:17:51佳佳
關門Shut down
I rushed to the gas station. A car passed by me and I went into the store where the clerk lowered his head,watched me and said,
“No gas”
I went directly to a friend’s house nearby, borrowed some money, then get the gas from other gas station. My mind seemed to calm down.
加油站沒油可加, 車子又快沒油了,怎麼辦?
政府部門 學校機關 公司行號等的裁員關門,對兢兢業業的基層人員來說,都是不公平也是無可奈何的事.
‘危機感’讓心波動, 唯有靠平日修行,靠我們自己,才能因應外在措手不及的災難.
<當心跳加速 煩惱滋生體衰 睡不著'業現前時
快快禮敬 懺悔 誦經 迴向> 做義工 助人 微笑
打開心窗 轉念