2007-01-18 02:44:44六隻腳的動物

Tsai’s enlistment On February 1

JANUARY 18 2007
By Six-Footed Animal

Chia-Chuan Tsai, a student for preparing both GMAT and TOFEL, said that he received a military letter and decided to enlist as a soldier in the army on the first day next month, February 1. Tsai, who has delayed the military service since one and half year ago, felt the shock that the letter is so sudden that he does not psyched himself up for the matter. However, he was delighted at the outcome because he will not wait too long.

Tsai never touched English until the first year of junior high school. He was not interesting in “Language” in the beginning. His grade was always worse whenever he met any English examination.

Afterward Tsai went to high school and his English still did not improve. But,he started to daydream about studying abroad after going to the classes taught by Peter Lai, Ivy League Analytical English promoter.

Tsai made sure of studying abroad during his senior in Shih Hsin University. At the same time he never attended any class about exams of studying abroad. He began to spend most of time going to class near Taipei Station after school. His foundation about English was so worse that he often doubted whether he should abandon the crazy dream, studying abroad.

During the period of preparing exams Tsai both lived in Red’s home, his friend’s house ,in university group life in Songshan for approximate one year and rented a room in Yonghe for six months.

Tsai totally participated five TOEFL(CBT) examinations and two GMAT examinations . Though spending much time preparing those, he never got any satisfying grade from first to last.

Tsai summed up the bad situation; That is, his severe test has not gone through and he has to persevere with his dream. In addition,within the duration of preparing exams he said that ” I want to thank those dear friends such as Quincy, Hanmei, Eric, Lingo, Dada, Peace, and etc, for your encouragement and helps. Making friends with you is my greatest privilege and greatest happiness of existence.”

PS: The picture above the article from Google.
cstr 2007-02-20 07:50:59

how is the beginning of your military life?

The beginning of my military life is exciting and novel. However, there are still many brand-new difficulties need me to overcome. Specially, some classes about physical training make me feel not to take and endure mainly because the past five years in school life are so loose that I lack the basic physical strength of a body all along. In addition, as for the management of the beginning in my military life, it consists of much human nature and reasonable control. Therefore, a new one lessens much risk about improper management of an army life. 2007-03-17 13:08:07
蔡子逸 2007-01-22 23:47:14




cstr 2007-01-21 21:41:01

Take care. This is going to be the toughest period of your life.

Take care as well. Studying abroad is an important thing for you.There are many new things which need you to adjust and overcome. 2007-01-23 01:53:30