2016-04-28 18:22:32aarono85rcja2

托福 多益 雅思 英文家教外籍老師 day level中文意思是什麼

    英語學習教材 網路學英文免費 找外籍老師兒童英文 英語會話課程推薦app 學英文 英文 商務英語課程英文學習 學英文遊戲學英語app 補習 english 免費英文app我想學英文 全美語幼稚園免費學英語網站 商用英文課程推薦android 學英文 中級英檢報名



day level中文意思是什麼

day level英文家教台北 線上看 英文解釋


  • day: n. 戴〈姓氏〉。n. 1. 日,一日。2. 節日;規定的日期,約定的日子。3. 晝,白晝,白天;日光。4. 〈常 pl. 〉時代;全盛時代。5. 壽命,生平。6. (某日的)戰斗;勝負,勝利。
  • level: n 1 水平儀,水準儀;水準測量。2 水平線,水平面;水平狀態;平面,平地。3 水平,水準;水位;標準;...

  • China and east timor formally established diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level on the same day

  • We need to keep the fiscal reserves at a satisfactory level to meet the cash flow needs of the government in its day to day operation ; to cope with contingencies arising from any downswing in the economic cycle and from unforeseen external events ; and to underpin the stability of the exchange rate for the purpose of enhancing monetary stability

  • A ll buildings have facades which are interactive at ground level. primary road crossings are pedestrian crossings at grade at both northern corners of the site, supported with all - weather bridges between adjoining buildings. facilities and land uses stimulating activities throughout the day, evening and weekends are called for

  • There was a low level of ppar5 mrna expression in the luminal epithelium and the glandular epithelium from day l to 8 of pseudopregnancy. ppar5 protein was not detected in the luminal epithelium and the glandulax epithelium from day l to 8 of pseudopregnancy

    在假孕大鼠子宮中, ppar mrna第1 - 8天腔上皮及腺上皮上持續弱表達,而ppar蛋白質在假孕各期子宮中均沒有檢測到。
  • Spf chickens with 21 - day - old were infected subcutaneously with oil - emulsion vaccine of ibdv of germinal or cellcular and injected intramuscularly with different dosages bursin which gain through ultrafilter. lt is proved that bursin of chickens and ducks can both shorten the time of antibody induced against ibdv, raise the level of serum antibody. they make chickens obtaining strong immunocompetente in a short time. agp liters of the group of infecting 0. 4mlcbs + ibdv of germinal and 0. 8mlcbs + ibdv of cellcular or 0. 8mldbs + ibdv of germinal and cellcular are higher than immune control group about 2 liters averagely. the chickens were inoculated with ibdv live vaccine mixed with the different dosages of lyophilized bursin by the eye drop method. the results sugest that cbs or dbs of different dosages can both improve the antibody inducation to different age chickens against ibdv. they may also alleviate the immunological injury of activated virus to bursa of fabricius. and promote the repairation of the lesion. it can be found that bs can raise body weight gain and feed coversion ratio

    將超濾獲得的法氏囊活性肽分別以不同劑量肌肉注射21日齡spf雞,同時頸部皮下注射ibd胚毒或細胞毒滅活苗,結果表明:雞、鴨法氏囊活性肽都能夠縮短ibd油苗誘導產生抗體的時間,提高抗體水平,使雞可以在比較短的時間內獲得堅強的免疫。 0 . 4mlcbs胚毒組和0 . 8mlcbs細胞毒組或0 . 8mldbs胚毒和細胞毒組的agp抗體滴度平均比免疫對照組高2個滴度。將法氏囊活性肽與ibd活苗聯合免疫雞,結果表明:不同劑量的cbs和dbs都可以對不同日齡雞ibd抗體的產生有不同程度的促進作用;還可以減少弱毒對雞法氏囊組織的損傷,加快其修復。

    day jumper spring, day leading zero, day length, day light illumination, day light saving time, day night period

    day level中文意思是什麼

    托福 多益 雅思 英文家教外籍老師
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