2011-01-26 01:32:29Edco

Never judge a book by its cover ?

You can see lots of movie use this proverb

“Never judge a book by its cover” “Never”

But, is that true? I can’t help wondering again…

Every time I heard people saying that, I feel weird

W E I R D !

Don’t judge it by its cover?

Then tell me judge it by what?

by its thickness? by its price?

Or just take what you got?

Oh, I see, you have to look what’s inside but not outside, right?


Bull s**t  !

It’s all about the cover

Sorry, I have to say that

The cover is all the matter

I don’t deny that some books are really fascinating but with hideous cover

But, why bother to open a book if you don’t even like it in the first sight?

It’s like you try to find a compliment for this book only because you read it

Trust me, an Attractive cover is damn important


And…if it’s not attractive

At least it has to be “hard’ edition, you know what I mean …..










期待著 你將自己出版
