2006-02-02 21:19:21史蒂芬

【波爾多】Chateau de Candale 1999

Chateau de Candale 1999

適飲,充滿花香與粉香,有如香水的風味。雖然列於Haut Medoc,但卻具有Margaux區的芳香與典雅風格,不失為Chateau d’Issan二軍的水準,和Chateau d’Issan一樣,只使用Cabernet Sauvignon和Merlot,這是波爾多酒莊比較少見的。

口感上酸度與黑色莓果風味為主,搭配舊桶陳年的酒款於瓶中陳年後所慣有木質芳香,酒質細膩,單寧柔順。1999年的波爾多並非好年份,但二軍酒或其他品質中等以上的酒款已經進入適飲期,尤其Margaux和Saint-Julein二區的Cabernet Sauvignon有不錯的成熟度,應該會是買酒的好選擇。

Chateau de Candale is made at one of the oldest estates in Medoc, third growth Chateau d’Issan. Owned until the French revolution by the Foix de Candale family, it was acquired in 1945 by Emmanuel Cruse and is managed today by his children, who have dedicated themselves to continuously modernizing the estate.

Production Area
Haut Medoc, on the left bank of Bordeaux region.

Grape Varieties
65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 35% Merlot

Select grapes are pressed and the must is fermented on the lees for 8-15 days in stainless steel tanks. The wine is then aged for 18 months in oak barrels, 1/3 of which are new barrels.

Dark purple

Aromas of black currant with a hint of spice
芬哥 2009-02-20 17:11:10

謝謝Eric Wong兄的指正,的確Chateau de Candale並非Chateau d’Issan的二軍,Chateau d’Issan的二軍是Blason d`Issan:


Eric Wong 2009-02-20 13:31:50

Chateau de candale (haut medoc) 1999不是chateau d`issan的二軍酒,而是同屬chateau d`issan莊園出品.因為chateau d`issan莊園有一块土地延伸至上美度區,所以不得不得將這块地出產的葡萄酒另取名Chateau de candale .其實此酒同樣是chateau d`issan的釀酒師,同樣的設备和工藝,而Chateau de candale的價錢不到chateau d`issan的1/3,是價廉物美之選.

為歡幾何 2007-11-11 01:29:00

Merlot 雖只佔 35%,卻主導整支酒的風味!