2005-09-29 20:02:54每天都好快樂
一次是被一個《呆瓜男》另一次是被一個《揚ㄨㄟˇ男》’真是把我氣到●怒火中燒● 導致,班導看到我就說:你的頭是被狗咬過嗎?ㄑ...
about 《呆瓜男》
He is my classmate in 高一. And we don’t know each other very much.Of course,he is not the man I like . shit..
But in the afternoon, he used his wallet to hit my head. His wallet smelled bad. I was supersied at first because he is so U G L Y... ha..
He is an old old old man. He is our PE worker. Why? because he isn’t like a teacher. He is so old that to do ”something”
At class, he told me“shout up. 你的聲音很討厭ㄟ” something about that.
噁心的人,總是特別的多... 最令我不爽的是,都很醜啦...如果好看的話~那因該還okㄅ...
詛咒那個死老頭..禿頭嚴重,喝水喝到噎死,開車撞到牆壁,吃飯無法消化,得痔瘡,再長一次水泡,頭髮全部變白色,走路動不動就跌倒...其他~等我想到再一 一補上...
今天高二忠班,跳啦啦隊... 一個很高的朋友..跳的相當可愛..那個屁股.真是超會扭動.簡直就是Q版的..我..哈
在加上..他們班的男生真的都很配合.. 真好~ 回頭看我們班...ㄏㄞ~
李先生阿~ 你真是諧星阿...
對了~ 在前天...
我撞到一個人~ 他就是..一個人.. 日本人..
左邊的手臂撞到他右手的手臂...how lucky I am
<他爸爸聽說是.. 釋枷> haha
一次是被一個《呆瓜男》另一次是被一個《揚ㄨㄟˇ男》’真是把我氣到●怒火中燒● 導致,班導看到我就說:你的頭是被狗咬過嗎?ㄑ...
about 《呆瓜男》
He is my classmate in 高一. And we don’t know each other very much.Of course,he is not the man I like . shit..
But in the afternoon, he used his wallet to hit my head. His wallet smelled bad. I was supersied at first because he is so U G L Y... ha..
He is an old old old man. He is our PE worker. Why? because he isn’t like a teacher. He is so old that to do ”something”
At class, he told me“shout up. 你的聲音很討厭ㄟ” something about that.
噁心的人,總是特別的多... 最令我不爽的是,都很醜啦...如果好看的話~那因該還okㄅ...
詛咒那個死老頭..禿頭嚴重,喝水喝到噎死,開車撞到牆壁,吃飯無法消化,得痔瘡,再長一次水泡,頭髮全部變白色,走路動不動就跌倒...其他~等我想到再一 一補上...
今天高二忠班,跳啦啦隊... 一個很高的朋友..跳的相當可愛..那個屁股.真是超會扭動.簡直就是Q版的..我..哈
在加上..他們班的男生真的都很配合.. 真好~ 回頭看我們班...ㄏㄞ~
李先生阿~ 你真是諧星阿...
對了~ 在前天...
我撞到一個人~ 他就是..一個人.. 日本人..
左邊的手臂撞到他右手的手臂...how lucky I am
<他爸爸聽說是.. 釋枷> haha