2003-09-24 02:41:16南方獸

The history of an idea(「發展」此一概念的歷史)

The history of an idea(「發展」此一概念的歷史)(出處不詳)

The idea of ‘development’ was invented in the post-Second World War world to describe the process by which 'backward' countries would 'catch up' with the industrialized world – courtesy of its assistance. Five decades and much sobering experience later, the concept has spawned an industry of thinking and practice and undergone much evolution. However, the numbers of poor people in whose name development is justified are greater than they were when it was invented, and in many cases their poverty stems directly from the havoc it has wreaked on their lives. Under these circumstances, is the concept any longer useful?

WHERE SHOULD WE go first to understand 'development'? Let us start at San Salvador Atenco, Mexico, inJanuary 2002.
Farmers in this agricultural area close to the capital city are protesting the forced appropriation of 33 square miles of land and the displacement of hundreds of families to make way for the construction of a new international airport. They have dug ditches to prevent heavy machinery reaching the site, taken out a case against the project in the courts, and faced down riot police in central Mexico City. But the authorities press on. Compensation is minimal, and - since agriculture is in crisis - the prospects of setting up a new farm elsewhere are negligible. 'We want our land and our freedom, and the government wants us to be taxi drivers and luggage handlers', says Ezequiel Hernandez, one of the protestors.'

On the other side of the world, in the Himalayan foothills, activist Sunderlal Bahuguna has just given up a similar fight. For several decades, he spearheaded protest against the construction of a dam at Tehri on the Ganges in Northern India. His own hut was submerged in December 2001 when the reservoir inundated the poorest quarters of the town. The homes of all its 10,000 population will eventually go under. Thousands of acres of fertile land will also be flooded, displacing 100,000 people. The dam is close to a seismic fault capable of unleashing earthquakes measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale. If it breaches, there will be an immense catastrophe. Despite recommendations from several government reviews that the dam should not be built, its construction has been unstoppable. If previous Indian experience is anything to go by, the outlook for most of those affected is likely to be ruin. Land compensation is restricted by bureaucratic fiat, and much of the cash compensation allocation has already mysteriously disappeared.

Stories such as these abound in most corners of the developing world. Many never see the light of international attention because they are about less spectacular installations - factories, power plants, flyovers(天橋), office blocks, fancy new housing developments where villages or settlements of 'illegal' squatters fringed the city and got in the way. Planning does not include democratic consultation, omits adequate compensation for the displaced, and neglects environmental concerns. Construction is accompanied by official secrecy, deal-fixing, corruption(貪污賄賂) and inefficiency - and dirt-cheap wages for site laborers, many of whom are women and children. Not all such projects demonstrate these failings, but they are typical of many. International investment - from the private market, the public purse, or some combination of the two — is often involved.

The irony of these projects is that they are justified in the name of 'development'. This amorphous term covers a host of activities as both means and ends, but unquestionably includes infrastructural projects. In many ways, these are emblematic of development – its symbols, its markers, its statements of faith and in some cases its all-too-familiar white elephants. The essence of 'development', as most people understand the term, is that it should combat poverty. Yet many of these projects adversely affect poor people and inflict poverty on others who were not poor before. They do this in the name of progress, modernization and economic growth – legitimate goals no doubts. But not without legitimate democratic consultation and just compensation.