2008-09-01 22:41:00釆渝Yashu & 妤洵



下面是由光之工作者(Lightworkers) 組織寄來的傳送祝福信函






Dear Lightworker,

This is not the normal email or newsletter announcement. I am sure
this email comes to you at a time of rapid change in your own life,
and I am sure you are aware of the many earth changes taking place
right now. The question we need to ask ourselves is Are we a Part of
the process? YES, and What Intention do we want to set for our growth
and evolution on this planet?. Does it have to come at the price of
great pain and suffering? No! It does not. I am not alone in having
received the guidance as to how we can assist in the birthing of this
new energy coming through the sun and earth at this time. You have
been called into assistance, in your own way, through your own
personal revelations and connectedness. This connection wanes, and
wavers from time to time, but ultimately it is we as the individual
conscious that we are, who mush choose our place in the greater body
of humanity, the earth and the whole. That power some call God, that
all encompassing, omnipotent power that feeds and nurtures us all. We
have to align and recognizes our oneness. We have all received our
calling.. And I would like to you partake in this opportunity to
exercise your divine right, to shine your light in unison with
lightworkers all over the world.

As each of us are one, humanities pain is our own pain, our healing
is humanities healing, which in turn is earths healing. We know that
many of these earth changes are a part of the process, as the earth
channels the higher density energies flowing through her sacred
meridian grid, yet we are a part of that grid and a part of how that
energy is used and processed. Will it continue to come forth as
earthquakes and destruction, as hurricanes and tidal waves, or can it
serve a higher purpose?

I believe it can. And this is the crux of this message to you.
Hurricane Gustav, a Category 4 Hurricane is slowly moving through the
Gulf of Mexico. This is in close proximity to mainland USA, and we all
saw the effect Katrina, a Category 3 hurricane had on the region, how
it effected the most vulnerable people, the children, the mothers, the
fathers, and anyone else who could not afford to escape its path.

I want to ask you to join with me, in prayer and meditation. If you
do not have a regular practice of meditation or prayer, I am asking
you to start one now for this purpose, and in these prayers, I am
requesting that you to add your voice to mine, and ask that these
energies driving the hurricane be channeled into you to assist you in
your own spiritual awakening, to ask that these energies be channeled
into all willing lightworkers who are sharing in this prayer, so that
the destruction can be transformed into a blossoming of hearts and
minds. And that each of these meditators, each of these lightworkers,
carries that energy with them, like an invisible hurricane Mandala,
that can sweep through the consciousness of humanity where the real
purification is needed.

Ask of the earth, ask of God, ask of the Great Spirit, ask of
yourself and ask of the One for this to be fulfilled. Ask your guides
and spirit teachers to help you focused on this intent. Lets join our
hearts, minds and voices in this request, and take up a greater
responsibility in the well being of this planet and its people, no
matter how big or how small they may be. Please join me, please spread
the word.

Hosted at Lightworkers.org we have a public voice server anyone is
free to join and form group meditations to focus on this. I will be
incorporating it into my daily practice and spending twice the time I
usually do, giving twice the energy and twice the heart to this
matter. You are free to use the services of Lightworkers.org to
network and connect with others to help bring this about.

You can find a semi-live update of Hurricane Gustave here :
http://www.wdsu.com/wxmap/ 14516174/detail.html#-

Send it your waves of love, call its energy into your heart and ask
in sincerity for the above to be made manifest in your own powerful
words. You know what to do, you have everything you need. You are a
divine emissary of light.

Shine On.

Love Always.

Adeon and the Lightworkers.org team.