2003-05-09 02:42:05☆貓娃娃堡壘☆

很正"豆"的 ~ 漱口水

這不是一個廣告,我袛想給大家分享一下,因為好多時我0地都會被那可惡的"非滋"害得連食0野都"痛到大叫起來"!!! (由其食橙0個陣時)....S.O.S.....但...唔駛驚喇... 有次我的一位朋友"師兄"介紹0左隻好正"豆"0既漱口水過我試試,用了3天,那夥大"非滋"... 無疾而終.... Hey 各位兄弟姊妹們,搵個"紙筆"抄低先啦...



每日1至2次,以10ml Corsodyl漱口水漱口一分鐘或2cm Corsodyl口腔護理jelly膏刷牙,即可治療牙肉發炎,建議療程只需1個月。亦可於配戴牙托前,把Corsodyl鎹喱膏塗於牙托內面,並將牙托清洗及浸於Corsodyl漱口水中15分鐘,每天兩次,可迅速治療配帶牙托所引致的口腔發炎。


Corsodyl Mouthwash and Dental Gel are widely recognised by dentists as professional dental care products. It acts as an aid in the treatment and prevention of gingivitis, ulcers and denture sore mouth, and in the maintenance of oral hygiene, particularly in situation where tooth brushing cannot be adequately employed. It also promotes gum healing after oral surgery.

Thoroughly rinse the mouth for about one minute with Corsodyl Mouthwash 10ml or brush teeth with Corsodyl Dental Gel 2cm twice daily. For the treatment of gingivitis, a course of about a month is advisable. For the treatment of denture stomatitis, simply smear Corsodyl Dental Gel onto the fitting surface of the dentures, and cleanse and soak the dentures in Corsodyl Mouthwash for 15 minutes twice daily.

Corsodyl is available as Mouthwash (300ml) and Dental Gel (50g) to meet your every need.

摘錄自: Yahoo ~ Corsodyl