2006-03-21 17:53:1669er

<轉載>王建民的先發戰爭(12)Wright 背受傷!

洋基投手Jaret Wright傳出背部抽筋的消息,將錯過下次先發的機會,若是本周四牛棚裡練投狀況不好,說不定將開幕先發機會拱手讓給王建民和Shawn Chacon,Wright很有可能繼Pavano與Small之後進傷兵名單,洋基開幕投手人數可能由原本預計的12人減少成11人,洋基教練團原本就設定四月中旬之前,只會以四名先發投手來應戰,Wright背部傳出問題,若是舊傷洋基也不怕,因為開幕時至少有Johnson、Mussina、Chacon和王建民四名手臂健康的先發投手可用。


Wright sidelined by back spasms

Yankees unsure how long right-hander will be out of action
By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com

LAKELAND, Fla. -- Joe Torre entered the spring with seven starters fighting for five spots. When camp breaks at the end of next week, he’ll be happy to have four healthy arms to open the season.
Jaret Wright was the latest pitcher to go down, as he suffered back spasms while participating in pitcher’s fielding practice drills. Wright’s back locked up as he tried to field a bunt down the third-base line on Sunday, sending him to the trainer’s room.

Wright has been in competition with Chien-Ming Wang and Shawn Chacon for the final two starting spots in the rotation, though the Yankees will need just four starters for the first two weeks of the season.

"I don’t know if this is going to keep him from being a starter," said Torre. "We’ll see how he comes out of it, where he is when he comes back to the mound."

With Carl Pavano set to open the season on the disabled list, Wright looked like the No. 5 starter, which would essentially relegate him to bullpen duty for the first two weeks.

Regardless of Wright’s status, the Yankees could open the season with 11 pitchers on the active roster instead of 12, as Pavano and Aaron Small are set to open on the disabled list.

"That’s the advantage of having all those people; if you have some kind of a breakdown, then you don’t take 12 pitchers, you take 11," Torre said. "I don’t feel handicapped in any way."

Wright isn’t expected to do much on Tuesday, but he could test his back with a bullpen session on Thursday. Torre felt the club would have a better idea about his schedule by then, though it is unclear whether he will miss a full turn or simply a few days.

Either way, it doesn’t appear -- as of now, anyway -- that Wright is in jeopardy of missing the start of the regular season.

"He said it feels much better than yesterday, which is good," said general manager Brian Cashman. "I have no knowledge that he’s in doubt [for Opening Day]."

Wright back out of plans


LAKELAND, Fla. - It appears Jaret Wright may not get a chance to beat out Shawn Chacon and Chien-Ming Wang for a spot in the Bombers’ rotation.
Instead of throwing yesterday, Wright was in the trainer’s room getting treatment on his back. He felt it lock up during a fielding drill Sunday and was seen moving gingerly through the clubhouse at Legends Field yesterday. Joe Torre said he still considers Wright an option for one of the four starting spots - the Bombers will not use five starters until mid-April because of off days - but it’s hard to imagine Wright beating out Wang or Chacon if he misses any significant time.

At one point, the Yankees seemed to have such a surplus of starters that there was speculation they might look to trade one. Wright surely would be a prime candidate there since he doesn’t necessarily fit into the Yanks mix anyway - Wang and Chacon are preferred by most Bomber officials - and doesn’t have a massive contract like Carl Pavano. Hampered by a back injury, Pavano likely won’t pitch his first spring game until next week and Torre said yesterday he may need to throw as many as 35 innings before joining the Yanks (which they hope will be in late April).