2010-01-24 13:11:01無明

看醫生外一章The Eye Appointment

With a bright smile, the eye doctor walked into the room.
His open and wild smile was just the same as the picture on
his flyer. After washing his hands, his shine eyes stared at me directly.

He said, “You look so familiar!”

“Likewise.” I replied.

“OK. Your vision is no problem,” he said, as he ran his finger
over the computer and checked the report.



“What is that the noise?” he said, Tilting his head, listening carefully.

The doctor opened the door. We could hear the alarm buzzing

in the air. Many patients rushed out of the rooms. A senior
waddled with his wife in the hallway.

“Could be a fire drill!” The doctor said.

Stepping down the stairs one by one, the nurse directed
us to leave the building. A fire truck was parked outside the building. We still hesitated and wondered for a little while
what to do next. I told doctor, “After things settle down, I
will come back in.”

It was breezy and cold outside. Trembling, wrapping
their arms tightly, people scattered in the parking lot.
I saw a man wearing only a short-sleeved shirt. I
suggested to him get inside his car, but he said that
his car was parked on the other side of the building.
Someone used a cell phone to call his relative. I called
A Zong and told him about the situation. He replied,
“Calm down! It could take a while for fire marshals to

About twenty minutes later, the nurse came back and
said, “It’s OK!” She led us back to the fourth floor. On the
way back, I saw a man reading a book, a toddler
squirming her body against her mother, who sat by the
window near the stairwell. The reason for the fire alarm
rang was still a mystery. Someone said that the elevator
had overheated.

Continuing with my check up, the doctor seemed to
become quieter. Again, he washed his hands. Because
I told him that I felt something inside my eye, he carefully
used a cotton stick to turn over my eyelid to check. There
was nothing inside my eye. After checking both eyes,he
said, “No problem. See you one year later.” He gave me
medicine to heal the scratch on my eye, one drop one time,
three times a day. I swept away the haze and restored
my smile.

After Christmas day, I slipped and fell on the floor of
my bathroom, Banging my head against the wall, making
me feel temporarily dizzy. The fall prompted me to cancel
the school party that night. “Misery loves company,”
because I found blood in my left eye on the New Year’s
Day. The bleeding might have been caused from my
cleaning the house. Dr. L, my considerate doctor, was
concerned with my vision and advised me to use artificial
tears to clean and heal the injury, and observe it for one
week. A few days later, there was no vision change, no
headache, and no vomit. I still had the blood in my eye,
just like a rabbit’s eye. A Zong seriously urged me to see
an eye doctor. After getting Dr.’s referral fax, to the eye
doctor, I got an appointment quickly. 

When “the fire drill” incident happened, I realized that
I’m still not aware of the emergency situation. But at least
one thing that I’m definitely sure of that I’m a lucky person
who gets many blessings from this world.

P.S: Even now, I still can not explain why my digital camera
was also blurry for a couple days, having no reason while my
eye was hurting.


編者按年關將近對珍妮來說遇到許多考驗.總算都能化險為夷仔細檢討保持警覺面對突發事件的應對如看眼科醫生時的安全疏散;生活裡不要匆促趕時間;清理注意安全要帶手套等等得到很多寶貴教訓。大自然有時也會預示警告訊息生病看醫生 關愛撫傷口。禿枝待新綠 又會是春暖花開好時節。