2010-01-09 12:20:56無明

忙甚麼 What Are You Busy With?

Eventually, Min put down the broom, sat

on the couch, and took a break.

“Hurry up! We need flour to make the

pumpkin soup,”

Raising her head, Shen said to Min and

continued to finish her project.

“I’m very busy!” Min boomed.

“What are you busy with?” The old master,

sitting by the side with Shen, talked to Min

with his smiling eyes narrowed to a slit.

Standing there like a statue, Min then left

without hesitation. She went shopping.

Busy! Busy! Busy! What are we busy with?

Wondering about past, present and the future,

filling your mind with complication, have you

ever taken care of your mind?

<Flush in thoughts while stop suddenly

to stand still and become no wondering.  

The mind at the moment is the

so-called "Pu-Ti". >



小敏剛放下掃把 躺在沙發上休息

低頭忙著寫字的沉 又叮嚀著 '快去買麵粉 要做南瓜湯'

'我很忙' 小敏火爆地說

'忙甚麼' 在一旁的老師父 笑眼瞇成一條線問小敏

小敏靈光一現 定了一下 趕快轉身 買麵粉去也

忙 忙 忙 窮忙甚麼

鎮日想著過去 現在 和未來











TUVA 2013-06-07 22:42:11


Min 2010-01-12 22:11:42

clear and real, where your mind where you are!and keep it longer.

Peter 2010-01-11 10:30:16

This writing's content and composition are very skillful and enjoyable. Looking forward to see more!

Thanks to my teacher!I'll keep on it. 2010-01-11 11:29:48