2008-09-20 09:53:10鄭ㄆㄨㄣ


yesterday my math teacher order 小點 can not go home,

so I stay here with he,because we are a friends.

and teacher order me :you!go home don’t stay here!

and I say now is after school! go home or not is my freedom!

you can’t order me!

so he is angry!!

I hate my math teacher! not only me . every one hate he!!

small eyes mouse face!

and today he order me!
you stand up!!45 minute

I say why?

he say
yesteray I order you go home why you not?

I say yesterday is after school!

you can’t order me

he say: shut up

you stand up!

I am angry!!!!!!!!

so I am stare at he.

he say
you continue to stare at me
and you continue to stand up!!

I don’t hear he say!
continue stare at he!

one day he is in my school,and one day I’m not happy!!!!!!!


﹏〝ˇ猴子 &#18 2008-10-18 15:11:39

誰會去慢慢看啊= =

尿尿 2008-09-28 09:31:45


2008-09-25 21:44:21

you can speak English for mouse say!

you can speak English with mouse 2008-09-26 16:36:35