2015-09-25 10:52:39讀.冊.人

秋分閱讀:秋色動人, 秋韻動聽

秋分閱讀:秋色動人, 秋韻動聽
Angus & Julia Stone (安格斯和茱莉亞)
歌曲名稱:Take you away
When you're feeling down
And your sky is gray
And the people that you love
Well, they have nothing lovely to say
When your days are long
And lonelier than before
When your bed is cold
And the sheep are at your door
I'll take you away
I'll take you away
I'll take you
I'll take you away
I'll take you away
When you're tired of working
Like a slave
And the smell of the coffee bean
Well it just won't go away
And you friends, well they've got
Nothing good to say
You just call out my name
And I'll take you away
I'll take you away
I'll take you
I'll take you away
I'll take you away
And I'll take you away
I'll take you away
I'll take you
I'll take you away
I'll take you away
And the people that you love
Well, they have nothing lovely to say

When your days are long
And lonelier than before
When your bed is cold
And the sheep are at your door
I'll take you away
I'll take you away
 I'll take you
I'll take you away
I'll take you away
When you're tired of working
Like a slave
And the smell of the coffee bean
Well it just won't go away
And you friends, well they've got
Nothing good to say
You just call out my name
And I'll take you away
I'll take you away
 I'll take you
I'll take you away
I'll take you away
And I'll take you away
I'll take you away
I'll take you
I'll take you away
I'll take you away

When you're feeling in the doubt /當你感到迷茫時
And your sky is grey /天色陰陰沉沉
And the people that you love /你所愛的人
Well they have nothing lovely to say /他們默不出聲
When your days are long /日子還很久
And lonelier than before /而寂寞 卻越重
When your bed is cold /獨自一人 冰冷的床
And the sheep are at your door /失眠的夜晚

I'll take you away /我會將你帶走
I'll take you away /遠離那寂寞
I'll take you, /我會帶你
I'll take you away /遠離那空虛
I'll take you away /我會將你 帶走
When you're tired of working like a slave /奴隸般的工作 你厭倦了
And the smell of the coffee bean /身上總是殘留著
Well it just won't go away /那提神的咖啡味
And you friends, well they've got /你的友人們
Nothing good to say /他們也無奈 無言以對
You just call out my name /你就儘管 呼喚我
And I'll take you away /而我會將你帶走
I'll take you away /遠離那寂寞
I'll take you, /我會帶你
I'll take you away /遠離那空虛
I'll take you away /我會將你 帶走
I'll take you away /我會將你帶走
I'll take you away /遠離那寂寞
I'll take you, /我會帶你
I'll take you away /遠離那空虛
I'll take you away /我會將你 帶走

演唱團體:Angus & Julia Stone (安格斯和茱莉亞)
來自地球的南端、當今全球最受歡迎澳洲新生代流行樂團二人組,安格斯和茱莉亞(Angus & Julia Stone)是由一對澳洲姊弟所組成的雙主唱樂團;姊姊-茱莉亞.史東(Julia Stone)出生於1984年、現年26歲,茱莉亞清新慧詰、甜美瑰麗,有著溫柔純淨的夢幻嗓音、彷彿女孩般天真稚嫩的獨特呢喃唱腔,臉上永遠帶著一抹淺 淺的微笑;弟弟-安格斯.史東(Angus Stone)出生於1986年、現年24歲,安格斯靦腆憂鬱、俊秀有型,有著觸動心靈的細膩嗓音,溫暖感性的歌聲中透露些許桀傲不羈的音樂人文特質。

居住在雪梨北方的著名海灘景點Newport,安格斯和茱莉亞出生於音樂世家、父親帶領一個當地的流行樂團,兩姊弟跟著父母從小就聆聽60年代~80年代各 式流行搖滾與民謠音樂、並學習多種樂器;原本各有各的工作,2005年茱莉亞說服安格斯一齊到雪梨當地的pub演唱,兩人獨特優美的嗓音與優異的音樂表現 得到許多讚賞