
In 2024, several new and sophisticated scam methods have emerged. Here are some notable ones:


1. **AI-Powered Scams**: Scammers are increasingly using artificial intelligence to create more convincing phishing emails, deepfakes, and personalized messages. AI-generated deepfakes can create realistic video and audio, making it difficult to distinguish between real and fake communications. For instance, scammers might use voice cloning to impersonate someone you know or a figure of authority, tricking you into divulging sensitive information【25†source】【26†source】【27†source】.


2. **Student Loan Forgiveness Scams**: With changes in student loan forgiveness policies, scammers are exploiting people's hopes for debt relief. They create fake application sites, charge fees, and steal personal information by pretending to offer help with loan forgiveness【27†source】.


3. **Virtual Kidnapping**: This involves scammers pretending to have kidnapped a loved one. They use voice cloning and other AI tools to create convincing fake audio or video messages from the supposed victim, demanding a ransom and creating a sense of urgency【27†source】.


4. **Peer-to-Peer Payment Scams**: Scams involving P2P payment apps like Venmo, Zelle, and Cash App are on the rise. These scams often involve tricking users into sending money or giving away personal information under false pretenses【26†source】.


5. **Package Delivery Scams**: Scammers send fake notifications about package deliveries that don’t exist. These often come via phishing emails or text messages and are designed to steal personal information or money【26†source】.


6. **Fake Charity Scams**: Fraudsters set up fake charity campaigns or GoFundMe pages to exploit people’s generosity. These scams often spike during times of crisis or after natural disasters, when people are more likely to donate【25†source】.


Protecting yourself involves staying vigilant, verifying the authenticity of messages, using secure communication methods, and reporting suspicious activities to authorities. Always double-check unsolicited communications, especially those requesting personal information or immediate action.



### 1. AI驅動的詐騙



### 2. 學生貸款寬免詐騙



### 3. 虛擬綁架詐騙



### 4. P2P支付詐騙

涉及點對點支付應用(如Venmo、Zelle和Cash App)的詐騙在增多。這些詐騙通常是通過欺騙用戶發送錢款或在虛假的借口下洩露個人信息【26†source】。


### 5. 包裹投遞詐騙



### 6. 假慈善詐騙



### 如何保護自己

- **保持警惕**:對於未經請求的通信保持懷疑,特別是那些要求個人信息或立即採取行動的通信。

- **驗證信息**:通過官方渠道確認通信的真實性。

- **使用安全通信方式**:避免在不安全的平台上洩露個人信息。

- **報告可疑活動**:向有關部門報告任何可疑的詐騙行為。

