2005-12-27 00:31:58出前一丁


"Shiawase" is a Japanese word, meaning " happiness" and "fortune." Shiawase is abstract, something in the air, not something to be seen or touched, but you know if it’s there. It’s salt in the water----you know it’s there, but you can’t see it.

Shiawase is a state of mind. It’s a mirror of your heart. It’s how you view your world.

Yesterday when I was sleepless, lying in bed and worrying about when to get up for my early 7am work shift, I thought of the idea of death. The more I think of it, the less I worry. I guess when it comes to death, nothing actually matters any more. Money, work, size of the house and what car you drive etc., who cares any more? I guess what really matters is the feeling. Your world is how you look at it.

Just fly~~~~