2005-07-24 16:40:26出前一丁

Chet Lam at APM

Yesterday Chet Lam was at APM for a live performance. I went there alone, solely to listen to his singing. I brought my camera, but decided not to take a single picture, since he didnt' acutally like people taking pictures of him while he was singing.

Instead of standing besides the performing stage, I went to 1/F and looked down. It's a great view there. I felt like I was out of the young group down there, but instead, I was at an upper place, observing the crowd and Chet. It felt great. I felt I could understand my passion for his singing was a little different from idolizing a star. I just love listening to his words and his songs. His voice was as great as always. He only sang 3 songs yesterday night: 給最開心的人, 活下來 and the very impressive 認錯(originally sung by 優客李林). He is into his music, he is passionate towards life, that's why people were moved.

I was a little reluctant to go there at first, since his performance schedule was 10:30pm, a little too late for me, yet now I felt lucky for going.

Thank you, Chet Lam, once again.