2005-11-12 09:07:12Carci


It is a simple story.
A story of 2 commoners who promised in their heart to be faithful to one another.
They met on a cozy, careless winter day with nothing to mind.
Became friends, then lovers.
They go through everything that mudane couples go through and not looking one step back.
Until that one day, he dissappeared without any signs.
Out of nowhere, nowhere to be found.
Not even a word or a letter.
Leaving the place that they had shared for 9 sweet months with emptiness.

Finding him wasn’t hard but it was painful enough.
Eventually she has to learn how to let it go...after 2 years of long struggle.
With the last thought of him lingering in the back of her breath, there he is..as she switches the tv channel
Walking down the isle with another woman on the entertainment show.....




愛 我想再久也不回來
一個人的球場沒我在 你會不會覺得有點怪
猜 我討厭的習慣你有沒有改
沒有我們這樣的耍賴 你的生活是不是精采

我想 兩極不能沒有赤道線 生命不能違反食物鍊
愛情不能失去平衡點 所謂的背叛 可能只是一個爆發點
在瞬間 沒想起 雙人戒

怎麼找的到 比我對你更好的人
怎麼再開始 信任一個人的過程
怎麼再稱呼 我們代表的身份 下雨了誰趕著為你開門

怎麼找的到 比我對你更好的人
誰知道你的 小動作代表什麼呢
誰知道你 未成熟幼稚的單純 是需要有個人保溫

愛 從今而後你不在
一個讀電影的對白 怎麼捕繪滯留的感概
改 我還需要時間沉澱去更改
淡忘無處可歸的等待 回憶只用微笑去覆蓋