2005-06-22 01:46:10陽光

cosmos with complexity

have u even seen the series of "the L word"? soap opera about the the life of lesbos. Al(alice) draws a pic to illustrate the relationship about her and her friends. the center would of course be Shane, a charming tom boy. it's funny that through the lines connected to each character, it forms a cosmos.

the pic here is the illustration for the relationship of people around me. i have to use codes instead of their names in case of letting out of others' secrets. their secret identies can't be revealed. :) so lucky to have those people around. sometimes, you feel wonderful, for they are all easy to get along with. sometimes, this relationship is quite puzzling. it makes you wonder how come there are so many people fall in love with E1? to the best of my knowledge, this girl is rather stupid and always hesitates about everything. she has dreams but wouldn't like to stick to the plan. she does have beautiful eyes. well, i don't know her quite well. but i know S-4 and E-3 are fabulous people.

it's just hard for me to figure out how come S-4 is so crazy about E-1? now E-1 is gradually giving up the relatonship with E-3 and is keen to be with S-4. but S-4 is going abroad.

Hard to believe that the plots of soap opera could be reflected in the real life. The life is a movie, and the movie reflects life.