新年 新希望 悲願
做老師比較可以說大話:我四年前在{寶成-戴明通信錄 新年專號}寫過這「新年新決心」( New Year’s Resolution)。不過自己怕做:HC’s Resolutions for the New Year。一年,多半可以暴露出自己的「心有餘而力不足」。與玉燕參加2006歲末頂級盛宴:荷西‧卡瑞拉斯(José Carreras)與加拿大蒙特婁歌手喬琪亞.芙曼蒂合作的「跨年演唱會」: 長榮交響樂隊(指揮David)、實驗和敦煌合唱團。說真的,竟然興起歲月不饒人之嘆。
昨晚,試擬{品質與社會 通信},其實我4-5年前出版過月刊(每月約60頁A4)。我相信許多事情做下去就會激發出創造力,真的是”Learning By Doing”。這次列一列,發現可用的東西很多呢!
好,我必須許些願(有「願景」),並決心完成之,可不要讓它們成為「悲願」(日文英譯是one’s desperate [earnest] desire [wish].還是中文比較習慣:佛菩薩由慈悲心所發出的誓願。五燈會元˙卷一˙八祖佛陀難提尊者:此子昔曾值佛,悲願廣大,慮父母愛情難捨,故不言不履耳。)
我們Deming 信徒不談「年度考績」,所以我們每天算帳:不過記得要見仁見智、見樹見林。
哈哈 去年 我的大名竟然出現在 紐約時報雜誌上 談外交術語 分類:人物2007/06/23 17:41hanching chung 補記
我是請教美國國務院採用的 transformative 有問題
作者很利害 找到發明 "transformative vs transactional"的作者出來亮相
這是榮譽 以後應再努力學英文
這可以顯示英文是相當困難的 我當地還沒想過 "transforming" 可能是更好的選擇
他們去年將此問題拿到討論區 我當時嫌要加入會員麻煩 所以不知道有無更精彩的說法
我認為transformational的原意固然帶有宗教意思 或如"新造的人"
不過在當今的企業界已是常用的 類似 "脫胎換骨"
“Clearly it`s high risk,” agrees Sir Terry. “But we`ve carefully balanced the risk. If it fails it`s embarrassing. It might show up in my career [and] it`ll cost an amount of money that`s easily affordable by Tesco—call it £1 billion if you like. If it succeeds then it`s transformational.”
Fresh, but far from easy
Jun 21st 2007 | LONDON AND PHOENIX
From The Economist print edition
On Language
Published: June 11, 2006
After inflicting heavy casualties on Gen. Robert E. Lee`s Army of Virginia defending Richmond in early 1862, Gen. George B. McClellan failed to press the strength of his Army of the Potomac. To President Lincoln`s dismay, following the Seven Days Battles, McClellan withdrew. He refused to use the word withdraw or retreat in his dispatches; instead, the Army`s beloved "Little Mac" announced he had undertaken a retrograde movement. That term meant "going backward" but connoted a tactical maneuver, part of a strategic plan.
The painful problem of finding a synonym for withdrawal re-emerged this year. Palestinians voted in Hamas, an organization judged by the United States to support terror attacks, and one that refuses to recognize Israel`s right to exist. The government of Israel, having successfully withdrawn — the preferred word was resettled — 8,000 Israelis from settlements among about a million Palestinian Arabs in the Gaza Strip, was faced with the need for a descriptive name for a plan to redraw its boundaries without a Palestinian negotiating partner. The newly elected prime minister, Ehud Olmert, proposes to move dozens of West Bank villages built by some 90,000 Israelis into three main blocs that can be made secure behind the antiterrorist fence now under construction.
What to call the plan that would not be associated with "retreat" or "abandonment" but that would connote the consolidation of the Israeli populace into one area? The Hebrew word that Olmert chose during his election campaign late last year was hitkansut, which means "coming together." That word is an apt and sensitive choice in Hebrew: its root is kns, meaning "to gather in one place," and it shares a root with Knesset, the Israeli Parliament.
But that was only half the battle. The word hitkansut (unlike the Hebrew-based maven or brouhaha) is not readily adopted into English; its sound could invite derision as a combination of hit-and-run and cloak-and-suit. The challenge: What word in English connotes withdrawal without weakness, and sensible rearrangement without imperious finality, that would gain international support?
Convergence was the first translation floated out: all the pioneering settlers would converge, with Israelis now fencing off suicidal intruders. But that word struck Israeli commentators as vaguely geometric and requiring further explanation. Some American old-timers recalled convergence as the word used by extreme détenteniks in the 1960`s to mean that the communist and capitalist ideologies would, in some happy future, meet in the middle.
"Goodbye `Convergence` Hello `Consolidation"` was the headline in The Jerusalem Post, privy to the "semantic struggle." But consolidation struck some as all too industrial, and other entries like retrenchment and disengagement were military terms too close to McClellan`s retrograde movement. The editor David Horovitz dismissed the synonyms ingathering and rebordering as "not actually words at all."
Under a Washington Times headline, "Olmert Asks for a Word With Bush: Aides Settle on `Realignment,"` Joshua Mitnick reported from Tel Aviv about preparations for a White House meeting that took place last month: "After weeks of discussing and polling, Mr. Olmert and his aides have settled on that word to describe his ambitious withdrawal plan." Though one Israeli muttered that "realignment sounds like work on your car," another held that it was a better translation of what Olmert was trying to accomplish: "Realignment speaks to shifting the lines."
By adjusting the line of separation without seeking to establish a formal border, Israel`s purpose is to minimize friction while retaining its historic claim to the land in dispute. The chosen translation of hitkansut signals neither retreat nor annexation but is a bid to gain international support for a secure dividing line now, without closing the door to negotiation someday with a neighbor no longer dedicated to its destruction. Realignment was well received in the White House; sometimes "diplolingo" works.
Transformation Nation
"What is the difference," Hanching Chung of Taipei e-mails, "between transformational diplomacy and transformational leadership?" This query was stimulated by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice`s speech at Georgetown University in January, in which she called for "a diplomacy that not only reports about the world as it is, but seeks to change the world itself." She added, "I and others have called this mission transformational diplomacy."
As my Taiwanese correspondent notes, the phrase (successor to dollar diplomacy, gunboat diplomacy, Ping-Pong diplomacy and shuttle diplomacy) was bottomed on transformational leadership. That term was in the 1978 book "Leadership" by the historian James MacGregor Burns, who tells me: "I was responding to the excessively transactional leadership of the time." (Transactional deals with competent means, transformational with great ends, usually with a moral overtone.) When I asked whether he had considered transformative, Professor Burns replied, "Transforming would have been shorter and stronger."
The handful of deep-structure grammarians who read this column with amused detachment are now probably Chompskying at the bit: what about their revered transformational grammar, progenitor of all this voguish transformationalism? That system of analyzing language set forth by Noam Chomsky a half century ago, also called generative grammar, holds that a fixed set of rules generate every sentence we speak or write, transforming abstract structures deep in the brain into understandable sentences when they reach the surface of speech. (If I were angling for a foreign policy job in a Clinton Restoration, I`d start fiddling with the phrase generative diplomacy.)
Send comments and suggestions to: safireonlanguage@nytimes.com.
插圖另外會引來錯誤;譬如說,「第一個情人節」馮象先生《寬寬信箱與出埃及記》北京:三聯,2007,頁180 的標題「喬叟與理查三世宮廷」,應該是「喬叟與理查二世宮廷」。