2006-12-24 23:46:09hc





「人生聚散本浮沤 回首蒼茫感昔游……..」
HC 2007-02-27 21:15:23

Quality Times N° 53, Feb. 28, 07;品質 時報 第53期 07年2月28日(周三).

主筆:鍾漢清(hanching chung)


【技能道場】什麼意思?請參考-->&quotPractice-based professional learning&quot, “learning center”, ” practice field” or道場、法場

「simon university朋友們:請問: 剛剛讀了專利官司 敗方Microsoft公司說勝方Alcatel-Lucent 公司勝之不武(?),說Alcatel-Lucent 是”laying in the weeds” --這是什麼意思呢?」
張華兄:「豬年豬話,根據我的考察,laying in the weeds 有點像「扮豬吃老虎」。
又,&quotI`m just sort of laying in the weeds right now,&quot he said.&quot此地的laying in the weed又有點像「靜觀其變」。
又,I don`t mind laying in the weeds and sneaking up on somebody. I don`t particularly think it will be a sneak-up. They might.&quot 耍陰險?出奇招?」(hc案:sneak up on 不知不覺地來到)
HC:「lay in the weeds會不會是&quot坐享其成&quot?? 哈哈
特別向ch報告:我將lay in the weeds 問美國朋友WWS,他回答為 It means to hide and then ambush.。他沒說出處。」

Microsoft`s Mr. Burt argued Alcatel-Lucent was &quotlaying in the weeds&quot -- while Fraunhofer licensed and the MP3 industry developed -- before jumping in to assert its patents. &quotLucent has been asserting these patents against the computer industry since the 1990s,&quot said John Desmarais at the law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP, which is representing Alcatel-Lucent in the case.


據微軟公司表示,它向德國的Fraunhofer Institute購買了這一技術的使用權。Fraunhofer Institute向包括諸如蘋果和RealNetworks等在內的數百家公司許可了其技術。當微軟公司決定在其Windows Media Player中增添MP3編碼、解碼功能時,它向Fraunhofer支付了1600萬美元,獲得了相關的知識產權和源代碼。 據微軟公司的副首席法律顧問湯姆湯姆稱:陪審團裁決的損失賠償金的數目是『可笑的』。他指出,向Fraunhofer許可MP3技術的其他公司將會非常擔心這一結果。這一麻煩可能會牽涉到微軟以外的公司。

黃財明({品質月刊}副主編):「鍾兄:僅對鍾兄報導部份(See attached file: SONY鋰電池案.doc)提供過目,請惠予斧正,謝謝!」

2007/2/27 我們有一訪客 賴威光先生(景岳科技 執行長)。他跟我們講了許多精彩的產業故事。包括


川喜田二郎Kawakita Jiro
英文傳記-->1984 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee for International Understanding ... :半農半牧的土地利用加上都市革命(產物)的生態體系成為主流。.
親和圖(grouped like with like . );KJ法 (川喜田二郎Kawakita Jiro):
Affinity Diagram A tool used to organize ideas, usually generated through brainstorming, into groups of related thoughts. The emphasis is on a pre-rational, gut-fell sort of grouping, often done by the members of the group with little or no talking. Also known as the KJ method.
Snowball Technique
Involves concentrating groups of ideas pertaining to the same problem and assigning them a theme, i.e.
One slip of paper (or post-its ) is used per idea generated or possible solution offered
A meeting is set up of up to 5 people. The slips of paper are viewed and then grouped like with like .
Duplicates can be created if the idea/solution is relevant to more than one group
Patterns and relationships in the groups are observed


2006-12-24 23:46:09

※ 抗A和B型感冒有效藥物“Tamiflu”,最近日本有6人死於可能服用之後有異常行為。日本舉國搞不清楚怎麼一回事(2005年也有類似嬰兒案例)。Tamiflu稱為「克流感」,幾年前被認為是抗H5N1型禽流感最有效的藥物而供給告急,台灣還要求強制授權生產Tamiflu藥物。

※ 台灣衛生署:九層塔致癌機率近乎零??
鹽酥雞可口風味的關鍵之一,就是香氣濃郁的九層塔配料,不過國內研究卻證實,九層塔及桂皮、當歸等台灣民眾常用香料,含有可能會導致肝癌的黃樟素,引發關注。衛生署今天強調,九層塔本身並非主要食品,一般人一週下來,吃不到三、四 ...

HC 2007-02-27 21:01:23

川喜田二郎Kawakita Jiro
英文傳記-->1984 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee for International Understanding ... :半農半牧的土地利用加上都市革命(產物)的生態體系成為主流。.
親和圖(grouped like with like . );KJ法 (川喜田二郎Kawakita Jiro):
Affinity Diagram A tool used to organize ideas, usually generated through brainstorming, into groups of related thoughts. The emphasis is on a pre-rational, gut-fell sort of grouping, often done by the members of the group with little or no talking. Also known as the KJ method.
Snowball Technique
Involves concentrating groups of ideas pertaining to the same problem and assigning them a theme, i.e.
One slip of paper (or post-its ) is used per idea generated or possible solution offered
A meeting is set up of up to 5 people. The slips of paper are viewed and then grouped like with like .
Duplicates can be created if the idea/solution is relevant to more than one group
Patterns and relationships in the groups are observed


hc 2006-12-26 11:18:06
