2006-07-26 23:32:05hc


(其實,台灣的名企業BenQ 幾乎同(級)病相憐……)

G.M. Reports a $3.1 Billion Loss
It made money from operations, but took a raft of accounting charges in the second quarter.

1. 【口】大量,許多[S][(+of)]
He met with a raft of troubles last year.

July 26, 2006
G.M. Reports a $3.1 Billion Loss
General Motors said today that it lost $3.1 billion overall during the second quarter. It made money from operations, but took a raft of accounting charges in the quarter related to employee buyouts and the sale of its financing arm, resulting in the big net loss.

G.M. also reported an $85 million loss on its North American operations, the focus of a turnaround effort by the company’s chief executive, Rick Wagoner. The loss was offset by profits overseas.

The earnings report comes at a time when G.M. is in negotiations over a possible alliance with Renault of France and Nissan of Japan, both headed by Carlos Ghosn. The alliance talks were spurred by G.M.’s biggest shareholder, Kirk Kerkorian, whose associates have expressed frustration with G.M.’s pace of progress in righting itself.

The loss reported today was more than three times the size of the $987 million loss G.M. reported in the second quarter a year ago, when Mr. Wagoner personally took charge of developing a restructuring plan for the company. The new loss is equivalent to $5.62 a share, compared with $1.75 a share last year.

Excluding the accounting charges, G.M. said it earned $1.1 billion, or $2.08 a share, in the second quarter, compared with an adjusted loss of $235 million, or 41 cents a share, in the comparable period last year.

G.M. does not issue earnings guidance; most analysts had forecast a smaller second-quarter profit, excluding the special charges.

The earnings report revealed that 34,400 members of the United Automobile Workers union accepted buyouts or incentives to leave the company in the quarter, a crucial part of Mr. Wagoner’s turnaround effort. G.M. took a charge of $1.4 billion to reflect the cost.

Last November, G.M. announced plans to close all or part of a dozen factories by the end of 2008, and eliminate 30,000 jobs. G.M. also is paying most of the cost of buyouts for workers at Delphi Corporation, its biggest parts supplier, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in October. Delphi was spun off from G.M. in 1999.

Including the charges, G.M. said it lost $3.5 billion on its primary automotive business, compared with a $1.79 billion loss last year. It earned $409 million on its financing operations, down from $808 million last year.

G.M. said that globally, its market share fell to 13.8 percent

hc 2006-09-30 06:53:53


約1985-86年我就知道明基電腦,因為我電子所同事蘇先生到那兒當品管經理。Acer那時有龍騰計畫,希望造就百位CEO;錦坤兄暗示我應該去爭取【他後來調德國】。不過我決心到外商當專業經理人。然後十幾年一轉眼過去了,有天在報上突然看到Ben-Q 這樣的公司廣告,自嘆這是新局,我是老人了。SARS期間,有緣在戴口罩對公司高階主管Seminar,當時的廠房設備等,都令人刮目相看。李先生不在台灣,他的同事都說他smart得不得了!……

然後,去年聽說併西門子,我在網頁simon university (su)說:很不樂觀(之前五年,西門子已經虧大本,欲振無力;我們對於德國的企業經營之複雜,都太低估了;我在西門子同一級的大企業幹過,尤其是做過通信業產品的市場開發,到歐洲轉過一陣子…..)

我追蹤該企業新聞數月,後來放棄。2006年7月26日在su很委曲寫篇「虧百億元的企業」:『讀紐約時報的標題:通用汽車公司虧損31億美金(營運賺錢不過提報許多會計損失……)。(其實,台灣的名企業BenQ 幾乎同(級)病相憐……)…….. 』

前幾天知道BenQ 不玩了【之前看高階主管的布局,就知道歐洲/全世界似乎已不可為了…..】!讀台灣各報,覺得大家都低估”下台難”的代價。

不過,我心裡有點哀傷,畢竟我是極遠的 ”利害關係人”。…..