2006-07-26 08:31:00hc

讀A. N. Whitehead 對William James一篇論文之評語、翻譯和聯想

讀A. N. Whitehead 對William James一篇論文之評語、翻譯和聯想

"James clears the stage of the old paraphernalia, or rather he entirely alters the lighting." p.668



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A. N. Whitehead 1925年說的William James這篇畫時代之作:Does consciousness exists?乃為1904作品 ,收入1912年出版的Essays in Radical Empiricism: Chapter 1, New York: Longman Green and Co (1912): 1-38. .



它 refers to items and articles required for specific activities.
━━ n.pl. 手回り品; 道具類; 〔話〕 不用品, がらくた; 面倒な手続き; 【法】(夫から与えられた)妻の所有物.
Paraphernalia may refer to:

Gardening paraphernalia would include spades, hoes, augers, etc.
Drug paraphernalia, any legitimate equipment, product, or material that is modified for making, using, or concealing illegal drugs
Sex toys are commonly and euphemistically referred to as paraphernalia.
Fireplace pokers are firetending paraphernalia.
Items carried in a pocketbooks may be referred to as paraphernalia.
Historically, personal items that a bride retained as her own in times when a married woman’s property vested in her husband - see Women in the Victorian era.