2006-07-11 05:48:43hc

tampering ---不正不順不成--詩室


日本語 (Japanese) 保留些漢字古義。譬如說,tamper 翻譯成「不正的変更」---
這tamper 是W. Edwards Deming學說的關鍵字眼,簡單解釋見下文。


”We are trying to preserve and enhance the function of the room in a way that acknowledges and respects Aalto’s contribution,” they wrote. ”We cannot create a museum piece by restoring its 1949 condition. New furniture, floor surfaces and lighting must be durable and safe for today’s volume and character of use.”

But in an interview, Ms. Mori said the renovation was ”worse than a total redesign.”

”It leaves a cruel trace — a few lighting fixtures and bookshelves,” she said. ”It will look more like vandalism of the original. If they had decided to totally revamp it, it would have been more merciful.”…

Kenneth Frampton, the scholar of Modernism and professor of architecture at Columbia University, said in a letter that he was ”appalled” to learn of the changes to the poetry room.

”How a university as wealthy and prestigious as Harvard could even contemplate tampering with this work is absolutely beyond me,” he wrote.

”Please,” he urged, ”reconsider.”


tam•per1 v. intr. - 損害, 削弱, 影響, 竄改, 賄賂 v. tr. - 篡改
日本語 (Japanese) v. - 干渉する, みだりに変更する, 不正取引をする, 買収する, 不正に変更する n. - 突き固める人

1. To interfere in a harmful manner: tried to tamper with the decedent’s will; tampering with the timing mechanism of the safe.
2. To tinker with rashly or foolishly: Don’t tamper with my feelings.
3. To engage in improper or secret dealings, as in an effort to influence: tamper with a jury. See synonyms at interfere.
To alter improperly.
[Probably alteration of TEMPER.]
解釋 恰好﹑正好。水滸傳˙第二十四回:這婦人正手裡拿叉竿不牢,失手滑將倒去,不端不正,卻好打在那人頭巾上。清平山堂話本˙錯認屍:吃了早飯又入城來尋問,不端不正走到新橋上過。亦作不當不對。
hc 2006-07-14 19:23:26

tampering with Shakespeare is a venerable tradition.


hc 2006-07-11 13:30:11
