2006-03-24 08:18:27hc



拉丁文Honoris Causa :作為一種榮譽(for the sake of honour )

中原大學頒贈 狩野紀昭教授榮譽工學博士學位 典禮
Conferring Ceremony of the Honorary Degree
Doctor of Engineering
honoris causa
Prof. Noriaki Kano

另例:Doctorate, honoris causa, conferred by University of Malaya, November,1990
(List of awards bestowed on Nelson Mandela)
又,某人在1984年一篇致答詞,似乎放之四海皆準:The Acceptance Ceremony of the Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa
…As for myself, I am going to uphold this honor for the rest of my life. I humbly pledge that I will strive to live up to your expectation. For me, this honor is more a challenge than an award. I shall be proud to join with your university in your goal of educating the future leaders of our world.

我們注意到頒授學位等榮譽是用confer (授(賜)與:To bestow (an honor, for example): conferred a medal on the hero; conferred an honorary degree on her. )
另外一義也有意思:賦與、帶來To invest with (a characteristic, for example): a carefully worded statement that conferred an aura of credibility.
v.intr. 商談、協商、交換意見:To meet in order to deliberate together or compare views; consult: conferred with her attorney.
[字源:Latin cōnferre : com-, com- + ferre, to bring.]
━━ vt. (-rr-) 授与する ((on, upon)).
━━ vi. 会談[協議]する ((on, with)).
con・fer・ee━━ n. 会議出席者; (称号・栄誉などの)拝受者.
con・fer・ence━━ n. 会議; 相談, 協議; (競技団体などの)連盟.
in conference (with) (…と)会議中で.
Causa (Noun)有一著(St. Augustine)名引言: Roma locuta est, causa finita est. (Rome has spoken, the case is ended.)
Causa 法律1. (law) a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy; "the family brought suit against the landlord".
臨終遺贈 稱為 donatio mortis causa