2006-03-21 09:50:14hc

我所不知道的巴黎街道:Renoir 父子的(1)

Jean Renoir 寫他父親P. A. Renoir(1841-1919)童年住的公寓如一方手帕("a pocket handkerchief," ),他喜歡在巴黎街道四處漫遊("In the streets of Paris I felt at home. There were no motorcars then and you could stroll around as ...")他很節省,都選泥土部分街道走,以免磨損掉鞋子("I would walk on the soft earth along the side of the street in order to avoid wearing out the soles of my shoes on the hard pavement.")。那時候的街道都很小,不過屋子多有花園,遠比現在的健康(這後來給廣開所謂林蔭大道的Haussmann 等破壞者消毀: The streets were narrow and the central gutter stank a little; but behind every house there was a garden. There were plenty ...")。

他一直不喜歡人家把藝術品端在盤上讓人欣賞,所以整修巴黎聖母院和其周遭環境、老市場之解體等等措施,讓他生氣……行人的衣服也完全改觀了,穿成衣,replaced pride in their profession by this idiotic vanity of trying to look like the bourgeoisie. In consequence , the streets of Paris seem to be filled with supers out of a play by the younger Dumas. And," he concluded, "it’s ..."

那時候(約1850),沙爾‧波德萊爾(Charles Baudelaire 1821-67)也在另一時空漫遊:
歐洲繪畫群集蒙田街;在『論泰奧菲爾‧戈蒂耶 』可以一口氣寫出十來位英國畫家之名;這些,除了極少數的專家之外,國人皆不知也!(沙爾‧波德萊爾(Charles Baudelaire)《1846年的沙龍:波德萊爾美學論文選》--1846年、1859年,無1863年:In 1863 Renoir submitted his "Dancing Esmeralda" to the Salon. The picture was accepted,)

…….replaced pride in their profession by this idiotic vanity of trying
to look like the bourgeoisie. In consequence , the streets of Paris
seem to be filled with supers out of a play by the younger Dumas.
And," he concluded, "it’s ..."

-- Renoir, My Father

Dumas, Alexandre, known as Dumas fils 1824–95,【His stage works are notable for skillful construction, though the characterizations are somewhat lacking in vitality.】


rl:「參考 supernumerary 之縮寫
1. extra: exceeding the usual number
2. human resources substituting: employed as a substitute or extra worker」

hc:「這字確切的意思如跑龍套者(這也是某辭典之說法,其實又不盡然):non-speaking or non-singing part」(龍套, n., actors’ robes with dragon design, generally worn by court attendants or soldiers; such actors: 跑龍套 to play such roles.