2005-12-28 17:03:41hc

* 語言筆記本(1)

RL更正Roland Barthes 一本著作之英譯本名稱為:
「The Rustle of Language
Le bruissement de la langue

【現在市面上各種Saussure作品及其後學者(他們要從某些方面「接著講」,開創自己的「說法」)的作品之關鍵字之翻譯,簡直可以說各說各話。不過如果要指諸如Barthes等人的說法,則應該要從作者本身之用語來說明。譬如說,羅蘭•巴爾特之論文「形象的修辭」的用語之翻譯,與王東亮等翻譯之『符號學原理』就完全不同。 案:「形象的修辭」和『符號學原理』兩篇同時發表於同期刊。】

這langue 是語言學/符號學最重要的字眼之一。英文和中文都無Saussure* 等人對於 LANGUE 和 LANGAGE 之區分。(所以用「言」「語」等來分別翻譯特定字要加原文。)


「語言之 語(Langue)等於說從 語言(Langage)中減去 言(Parole)」。
R. Barthes 之符號學導論之第三翻譯本之說法(『符號學原理』王東亮等譯,三聯,1999,p.2。所有用「語」都是這翻譯本系統中之用法)。

* ...an analysis of the phenomenon of language in general (French "langage") into an "executive" side ("parole") concerned with the production,transmission, and reception of speech, and an underlining language system ("langue") seen as having objective reality in a specific society.

下文括號內之解釋為我參考 Oxford Concise Dictionary of LINGUISTICS的langue辭條之說明。說它為Saussure 首創。

語言之 語(Langue 可以稱為語言系統 language system/ La langue was a social reality (fait social))等於說從 語言(Langage 一般的語言現象) 中減去 言(Parole 這是指 individual speech performance 個人言語之表現) 。

讀 reconciliation 之說明,其一義之同義字為 conciliation。加拿大首府有一reconciliation之雕塑,不知道是否為其內戰之大和解之紀念。

As with other capital cities, the word Ottawa is also used to refer by metonymy to the country’s federal government, especially as opposed to provincial or municipal authorities.
n., pl. -mies. ━━ n. 【修辞】換喩(かんゆ) ((例:crown(=king)))
A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power.
注意詞源說明:[Late Latin metōnymia, from Greek metōnumiā : meta-, meta- + onuma, name.] )

Gazprom Becomes the Bear of Russia
By ANDREW E. KRAMER December 27, 2005
(紐約時報的 business 版;scale and bulk亦在文中。)

scale and bulk
scale and scope

它是俄國的代表物--祥獸。或許又有其他大(而無當?) 笨-重等等 "反"意。
「俄國熊以喻其大, 規模, 尺碼, 體積...份量, 威力之重

這家公司開放外資進入國際石油市場版圖, 就像當年俄國以軍事之爪向外伸張...俄國熊掌來了, 咚咚咚! 人人都必須注意它... :-)]

以上為小讀者無責解讀 」
scale, scope, bulk

不會翻, 只會比:
麻雀雖小, 五臟俱全


HC問:invasive 在醫學上的說法?
「Researchers say the dramatic surge in weight loss (bariatric) surgery is due to both a rise in publicity for the obesity treatment as well as development of less-invasive, laparoscopic techniques in recent years.
invasive procedure
為了治你, 得先銃你

挖洞割口, 只因人體無拉鍊