2005-08-21 08:34:38hc

筆記:hermitage/ intermeddle/ Gardyloo!

筆記:讀張瑞麟的「每日一字園地」hermitage/ intermeddle/ Gardyloo!

*****hermitage http://home.kimo.com.tw/rwaylin_chang/wotd/wotd20050820.htm
hermitage :the habitation of a hermit. 隱士之住處;修道院 ;any secluded place of residence or habitation; retreat; hideaway. 僻靜之住處;(cap.) a palace in built by Catherine II and now used as an art museum. Hermitage 列寧格勒一博物館(原為加德琳二世(Catherine I (1725-1727))所建之宮殿) http://www.answers.com/topic/hermitage-rich?method=6
(還可以加法國食品、葡萄名:Hermitage grape is the name given to one of a handful of different wine grape varieties in different wine growing regions of the world.)

我們從Hermitage (又稱「冬宮」博物館—台灣十幾年前有NHK製作的介紹書籍之翻譯)可知這三義都通。

這Leningrad已改回原名「彼德堡」( Synonyms: St. Petersburg, Peterburg, Petrograd, Saint Petersburg。Peter the Great (1672–1725)He moved the capital of Russia from Moscow to a new city he had built, St. Petersburg, which was renamed Leningrad after the Russian Revolution and has since had its old name restored due to the collapse of communism. )--前兩年(大慶祝建城三百年:As the Poles and Swedes fought each other, Peter founded the great city of Saint Petersburg (named for Saint Peter the Apostle) in Ingria (which he had captured from Sweden) in 1703.)

***** intermeddle ━━ vi. 干渉する ((in, with)).
Proverbs, chapter 14,10 : The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy. 心中的苦楚、自己知道.心裏的喜樂、外人無干

箴 言 Proverbs 14:8 [hb5] 通達人的智慧、在乎明白己道.愚昧人的愚妄、乃是詭詐.〔或作自欺〕
[kjv] The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.
[bbe] The wisdom of the man of good sense makes his way clear; but the unwise behaviour of the foolish is deceit.
14:9 [hb5] 愚妄人犯罪、以為戲耍.〔或作贖愆祭愚弄愚妄人〕正直人互相喜悅。
[kjv] Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.
[bbe] In the tents of those hating authority there is error, but in the house of the upright man there is grace.

14:10 [hb5] 心中的苦楚、自己知道.心裏的喜樂、外人無干。
[kjv] The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.
[bbe] No one has knowledge of a man’s grief but himself; and a strange person has no part in his joy.

--- Convention of 1800 between France and America
ARTICLE XXVII. Neither party will intermeddle in the Fisheries of the other on it’s coast nor disturb the other in the exercise of the rights. Which it now holds or may acquire c the coast of Newfoundland, in the Glulph of Saint Lawrence or ell where on the American cons northward of the United State But the whale and seal Fisheries. shall be free to both in every quarter of the world.

*****Gardyloo is an old English warning that slops or garbages out ...

RL 介紹之gardyloo很有意思(民俗-生態-衛生-公共等領域)。
為什麼幾乎失傳 ……
禁止從天上掉東西或許比較容易,在地上行走隨地丟、吐東西,可能要再十年以上的運動 …….

A warning cry shouted in the streets of 18 th century England by someone about to empty the contents of a chamber pot out the window. This word may be at the origin of the current loo ; it is a derivation of the French phrase: gare à l’eau (watch out for the water).
A toilet . Chiefly British usage. one and two:
Cockney rhyming slang based on the rhyme with loo , a toilet .