2004-09-04 15:29:33hc

The Snow Party 及其他

The Snow Party 及其他

1684年,松尾芭蕉(1644-94)開始雲遊四方,寫《露宿紀行》,在名古屋(Nagoya)完成《冬日》(芭蕉七部集中的首集)。今天在暑地中讀到Mahon, Derek.的The Snow Party, (1975).。很巧,這似乎是名詩,所以可以找到

The Snow Party

(for Louis Asekoff)

Derek Mahon
Saturday July 7, 2001
The Guardian

Basho, coming
To the city of Nagoya,
Is asked to a snow party.
There is a tinkling of china
And tea into china;
There are introductions.
Then everyone
Crowds to the window
To watch the falling snow.
Snow is falling on Nagoya
And farther south
On the tiles of Kyoto;
Eastward, beyond Irago,
It is falling
Like leaves on the cold sea.
Elsewhere they are burning
Witches and heretics
In the boiling squares,
Thousands have died since dawn
In the service
Of barbarous kings;
But there is silence
In the houses of Nagoya
And the hills of Ise.
有位新手希望別人將他的翻譯練習順一順:「We’re not bound by tradition. We are prepared to go out on a limb. 我們不受傳統束縛。我們要開始冒險從事一項新事業。」
out on a limb
having an opinion which is different from most people's and is unpopular:
She's going out on a limb in criticizing her own party leadership.