2007-12-25 16:50:26平凡*不平凡


[2007/12/19 上午 09:25:22] evasheu1127 說 : Hi, Eunice! How about your zits and constipation? If you
[2007/12/19 上午 09:26:16] evasheu1127 說 : are really tired, then sleep a lot. If not, don’t sleep all the time.
[2007/12/19 上午 09:33:48] evasheu1127 說 : You know, I worry about your sleeping habit. If it’s fixed, it’s hard to change what your body likes. I just hope you don’t do nothing but sleep, that’s all. Please pay attention to it, OK? Take care and we all miss you very much. Be happy every single minute!
[2007/12/24 上午 09:41:23] evasheu1127 說 : It’s Christmas Eve tonight. Merry Christmas! Have you received the card we sent you? How will you plan to spend Christmas? As you know, it’s raining cats and dogs outside. It’s annoying, but we just can’t help it. Yesterday we went to my students’ reunion at Tasty.
[2007/12/24 上午 09:48:52] evasheu1127 說 : One of my students just came back from US and will go back in the middle of January. If you have something in mind, then I’ll ask her to take it to you in LA. Because she didn’t have PR and studied ESL program, she has to leave there for a while and come back to Taiwan. Anyway, I almost have nothing to do but play majong with grandma, auntie and uncle. If you have something in mind that I can do, I’ll be glad to. Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
[下午 01:40:58] eunice 說 : 你還敢說你都在跟他們玩麻將
[下午 01:41:03] eunice 說 : = =
[下午 01:41:36] eunice 說 : 不要一直限制我睡覺做啥 還一直想叫我每一分鐘都快樂好ㄇ
[下午 01:42:01] eunice 說 : 我會做讓自己不快樂ㄉ事嗎?
[下午 01:42:25] eunice 說 : 有時候做一些事 也是逼不得已ㄉ
[下午 01:43:28] eunice 說 : 不就跟你說ㄌ 我不睡覺 就是被Marianne叫去做東做西 都沒自己ㄉ時間 要一直被煩 你是我每次講 每次忘記ㄇ
[下午 01:44:07] eunice 說 : 昨天他聖誕節前請保母來他們家吃飯
[下午 01:45:56] eunice 說 : 我睡覺也是被他挖起來 一起來就開始幫她切做莎拉ㄉ材料 切到右手都快抽筋ㄌ 又吃一堆快肥死 因為有些東西不快吃完 他又要丟掉 但明明就沒有壞掉
[下午 01:46:33] eunice 說 : 後天他又要幫他兒子半生日派對 我又得幫她忙 搞東搞西
[下午 01:47:24] eunice 說 : 本來要讓我上班賺over time的 現在也沒得賺啦 都配合他
[下午 01:49:58] eunice 說 : 我有正事要做 就不會睡覺啦 有時真ㄉ太累 醒著就會被他們炒 很難敬下來好好做自己ㄉ事
[下午 01:51:17] eunice 說 : 你就不必對我做這些無謂的擔心ㄌ 好好想想你自己除了整天打麻將還能做啥吧!
[下午 02:00:53] eunice 說 : 如果我真的需要你幫忙的時候 你幫我 我會很開心 但真的沒事 也就不用報備了 常常只是在抱怨 又怕你煩惱 結果是我更煩 所以就算了 你和爸爸真的好好計畫一下你們的生活啦 Cathy阿姨都會跟我講他想要做什麼什麼事 你們呢? 都沒有什麼事想要做的嗎?
[下午 02:00:49] evasheu1127 說 : Now you’re not working. What are you doing? When will you work? I just can’t make contact with you, so I feel a little worried. I don’t want to give you any stress. Sorry about that.
[下午 02:01:56] eunice 說 : 我的schedule捉摸不定 怎ㄇ可能隨找隨到
[下午 02:02:27] eunice 說 : 有時太累 我就先睡覺 沒特別聯絡你 沒心情講電話
[下午 02:02:39] evasheu1127 說 : Oh, I forgot to tell you that you sent the Christmas tree made of signs. Thanks a lot.
[下午 02:03:13] eunice 說 : 嗯 你季ㄉ信我也有收到 謝啦
[下午 02:03:46] eunice 說 : 我ㄉschedule有時還要配合他們
[下午 02:04:03] evasheu1127 說 : By the way, did you check your e-mail? I just sent you some pictures which are very beautiful and interesting. If not, I’ll send it again.
[下午 02:04:35] eunice 說 : 我收到ㄌ啦= = 不要在季了
[下午 02:04:50] eunice 說 : 全部都有收到 我有回信 你沒看到ㄇ
[下午 02:07:34] evasheu1127 說 : Now, what you just have is patience. You’re staying at Marianne’s house, but just do something unimportant for you. You can’t get any experience valuable. I think you just think that it’s kind of social life.
[下午 02:08:56] eunice 說 : 不然勒
以上是我和我媽skype的對話,很狠吧= =(接著就開始講電話)
還給我用專有名詞,讓我學了兩個字= =”
我寫得太狠了!真不孝ㄒㄒ....但我媽偏偏又是吃硬不吃軟= =+
天天聯絡她不會珍惜的啦! 會變成都在跟我囉唆

我媽居然寫到什麼吃得苦中苦,將來一定能夠成為人上人= =

訪客 2007-12-26 11:58:39

Merry Christmas!!!
God is with all of us:)

carol 2007-12-25 21:49:59

dear~Merry Christmas~
May god bless u

☆* ╱╲*╱╲∵∴
╱╱ ◢◣+* (\~~/)。
╱ +◢█◣∵∴ (~^.^)
☆ ◢██◣* ☆(_(__)*∵
聖 誕 節 到 *^_^* ╭☆祝聖誕節快樂
god will bless you too.
2007-12-26 06:53:49