2007-08-18 15:57:26在下輝覺

The impression of Macao

I am going to talk about the landmark of Macao. Ruin of Saint Paul is one of the famous landmark where many foreign visitors interested in going sightseeing. Originally, it was a beautiful Catholic church. During the 19 centuries, it was burnt down by a huge fire which now remained a facade fortunately. It was repaired as a famous view in the latter day. The design was full of sacral art.

Monte Fortress is beside of Ruin of Saint Paul which was built in 1638. It was a Portuguese military station to prevent from the Dutch armies and was now one of the famous sightseeing. There is an observatory at Monte Fortress to forecast the weather of Macao and prevent from typhoon of each year.

Kun Iam Tong and Barra Ma Kok temple are the traditional Chinese Buddhism building in Macao. A lot of people will go to there for blessings and offer sacrifices during festivals. Especially the shrines are crowded with many believers during Lunar New Year. As it’s name implies, Barra Ma Kok temple actually comes from the Name of Macao. It was also called Tin Hau temple. It was built before the Portuguese invadce to Macao.

Camoes museum is the place in which commemorate a great Portuguese poet named as Camoes. He had written many great poems when he stayed in Macao. The museum had wxhibited the details of whole life of Camoes.

Lou Lim Ieok Garden was the private place where belonged to a rich business man in the early beginning. But he like to open the garden for people to go sightseeing. There were many different kinds of trees, flowers and plants. Lotus and little bridge were attractive so much! It belongs to a tourism area of Macao Government.

Vitoria garden and Saint Francisco garden are the small parks for people to rest. There is some public equipment for children to play. But these places were barren (warste) lands in many years ago.

As Portas do Cerco(Inclosure portal) is the border between Zhuhai and Macao. All the Chinese foods were transited to Macao from the custom by vehicles. And many people come in and go out from the custom every day. It is very important for people’s life of Macao.

The Nobre de Cavalho Bridge is the first road connection between Macao and the islands(Taipa and Coloane). It was built in 1974. It has 3,450 metres long with two traffic lanes, together with the Ruin of Saint Paul’s it got the statute of the most popular territory’s ex-libris(symbol).

The friendship bridge was built in 1994 after the period of spring festival. It is 4.5 kilometres long. It has four lanes, two in each direction. It offer the transportable convenience for container port in Ka-Ho, on Coloane, and the Macao International Airport of Taipa.

Lighthouse of Guia is located on the higher region. It had lighted thousands of ships to sail under their correct direction in early days. When typhoons have come to Macao, Lighthouse of Guia would hanged different typhoon signal to tell the weather situation. Fortress of Guia also has the typhoon signal hanged when typhoons come each year.

紫曼─瑤涵 2007-08-23 19:25:41


紫曼,孑然一身跟多情不定似乎沒有甚麼關係,在下對象確實很好,然而彼此個性、背景、喜好及習慣不同,有時難免會在某些方面產生分歧。大家也經歷過不少波折,一時間難以言表。感謝你來訪及慰問,自己有空會多寫文章啦。 2007-08-25 15:41:30
風月書 2007-08-20 00:29:43

應 不會有任何印象了

Kun Iam寺廟和Barra寺廟

風月小姐,澳門本來就是蕞爾小城,並不有名,但近年賭權開放之後才廣為人知,然而在下越來越不喜歡這個出身地,交通、物價、治安、環境都每況愈下,情何以堪!你不去那裏也沒有甚麼損失。觀音堂正是在下小時候的屋舍附近,有很深刻的回憶,媽閣廟也是很有特色的寺院,在下家人每年都會去一趟祭祀的。 2007-08-20 16:15:00
沙子 2007-08-19 20:23:47

遙望蒼穹 月冷風寒萬景空
拾無語落贈相逢 倚心濃
鬱情憑縱貧詞揭 盡夜尋跡夢影匆
憶人別淚漫惺忪 恨離終…調引彩鸞歸令


親愛的沙子,感謝來訪並贈予好詞,想必你有感於七夕傷別離某些人與事,可要當自珍重及愛惜自己身體,在下也祝福你好心情! 2007-08-20 16:10:46