2010-09-24 16:57:59GQ

The Art of Photography

因為前陣子剛買了一臺單眼相機, 便開始對照相有更深入的研究.

從前就愛照相的我, 現在更是如此. 不僅僅出國旅行 (e.g. 之前 Vegas trip ㄉ照片已經 post 了) 要東照照西照照, 現在的我, 如果天氣晴, 事不忙, 我還會頗有雅興的到處尋找美麗的 subject, 來加入我的 photo album.

我猜想妳可能沒在用 facebook, 不過也在這裡 post 給妳看. 這些是我的 favorites, 朋友們都一直稱讚呢.

Granville Bridge West View

Granville Island Pier, bird’s-eye view

English Bay View from Burrard Bridge

A Corner of the Magnificent Burrard Bridge

Boating towards Burrard Inlet

Lovers sipping on a Bday Flaming Lambo

The Lovers

(I always have a knack for taking photos at couples that are deeply in love, perhaps I hope that the same would happen to me too)

My first DSLR, Sony Alpha NEX-5

Compact design, HD 1080 video, 1/2 the weight & size of an avg DSLR; SONY calls it ’Pocket Professional’!

I call it "DSLR for newbies"

I have my 16mm and 18-200mm kit lenses. The 18-200mm is on my wish list.

Only if I could...use these gorgeous lenses to take photos of the gorgeous you, 那該有多好.