2005-02-17 01:07:06尚未設定

不安的季節Disquieting Seasons秋


      Constructs· Disquieting Seasons· Autumn
  I sojourn in the fog of cicada’s chilly chirping, like an exhausted swimmer afloat on the water. I see myself lying askew in the vast dark sky, and the Milky Way glitters like a memory of my past life. My eyes flow out the reflection of two rivers. A life, split into two, is waiting for the chance meeting of another pair of eyes so that there will be a confluence of lives.
  Thus, this heavy life of mine carries all that is about myself, pushes itself through the narrow gate between the banks of death, and washes out the mud on the roots of grasses.
  I have not seen you coming by the water of Lethe to admire your own image. Therefore, I imagine your tangled hair dancing in this windless afternoon air. Your casualness is saturated with unadorned sexiness. By the leave-covered avenue, you stand, silent like a sculpture.
  From the hillside not far away, an erotic breeze carries my mind eyes on its wings.