【REWIND 3】:This road will never end
後來《MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO》的短鏡頭系列又從中發展成小系列,但是另一個難題是,如果真要這般介紹下去,恐怕就像增殖分裂的細胞一樣,永遠也結束不了。
River Jude Phoenix,一個很特別的名字,一個很特別的演員。常常讓我覺得很驚奇。
但是River Phoenix仍舊讓我驚訝。從我第一次看《STAND BY ME》,根本還不知道那個小毛頭是誰的時候,他就讓我覺得驚異不已。我想他的天賦之一,就是有能耐將配角演成主角,而成為觀眾情感投射的中心。
RP: I want to buy a
( 《Boy meets boy》Interview Magazine, November 1991 )
至少,至少,我想看到他活到人們喜歡將他並比的James Dean去世的年紀。
23歲,a short life。tooooooooooooo short。
老實說,當我1992年看《MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO》時 ,其實並不知道演Mike的演員就是《站在我這邊》裡那個把頭髮理得幾乎是光頭的、還有小蜜蜂肚的小男孩。當時心想:這到底是那裡冒出來的演員ㄚ?後來查看相關資料,發覺他以這個角色獲得了全美影評人及獨立製片的最佳男演員,還成為當時最年輕的威尼斯影帝。臺灣的報導上寫著小小的幾個字:以《站在我這邊》崛起影壇的少年演員瑞凡菲尼克斯.....。
我趕緊把錄影帶找出來看,對,就是他。那個嘴唇及眼神,自然純真卻不刻意做作甜美的孩子氣,的確是。只是像被拉長了好幾倍的樣子,ㄚ,原來他有著一頭柔軟蓬鬆的金髮,雖然在《MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO 》影片裡是一團十分可怕的糟。
在為《MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO 》宣傳時,有 一段雜誌訪問很有趣:
GS: Were you concerned at all that Mike speaks in street vernacular throughout the film, whereas Scott goes in and out of Shakespearean verse? Did you think you switch in speech might seem jarring, Keanu?
KR: The Shakespeare stuff was an aspect of the script. Gus said it was something to do and to think about it. So that was my game. I wasn’t worried. It just seemed challenging and interesting to me.
RP: I was afraid of it not working.
KR: For me?
RP: No, for the entire film. I felt we needed to very clear on how we set up the transition scenes between the mock Shakespeare stuff and the docudrama street stuff. There needed to be stepping stones to those scenes - so it wouldn’t be like jumping from black and white to Technicolor. It was important to organize our thoughts and to support Gus stylistically.
KR: I wasn’t aware of all the different styles going on in the film initially, though. You were looking through the camera a lot more than me.
RP: It was more of my duty in the character of Mike to be concerned with the directorial perspective. I was aware of how my narcolepsy would affect the narrative, how the random narcolepsy fits would affect the viewer. I’m glad that it didn’t turn out to be a tale through my narcoleptic vision. But it was something I had to take full responsibility for, and it made me ask all these questions. Even when I wasn’t involved with the scene, I had to be aware of it to some degree so that I could make myself match up to everything.
………( 《Boy meets boy》Interview Magazine, November 1991 )
GS: To do more Shakespeare, perhaps?
KR: Um, who knows? I really would like to do Shakespeare with River. I think we’d have a hoot. We could do A Midsummer Night’s Dream or Romeo and Juliet.
RP: I’ll be Juliet
Dan Aykroyd, costar, Sneakers: We called each other Mr. Woach and Mrs. Woach. The catering truck we used to call the Roach Coach. And that somehow evolved into the Woach. And he’d do things like pinch the fat around my waist [or] come up and blow on my bald spot. Just complete, absolute, total irreverence. And he could get away with it.
Carolyn Pfeiffer: He bonded very, very strongly with Richard Harris. River would come and drive Richard to the set, bypassing the film’s drivers. He always wanted to make sure that Richard was fine, that Richard wasn’t lonely. I mean, he was like a mother hen, River.
Richard Harris, costar, Silent Tongue: He looked upon me as a kind of father figure. He’d knock at my door and ask if he could come in and sleep....He’d sleep on the couch. I could hear him rehearsing his lines-at
(附帶一提,Richard Harris就是最近某個魔幻系列電影中演老巫師的演員,年紀很大很大了,是個有個性的老公公。 【註:他後來也去世了....】)
We’re here to have a ”serious” discussion about issues -art, gay politics, drugs -raised by their film My Own Private Idaho, which features River as a narcoleptic street hustler in search of his family and the love of a good man. But River is in a hyperkinetic, playful mood (due in part to jetlag, he’s just flown in from winning best actor for the film at the Venice Film Festival), and Van Sant’s slow, measured speech provides plenty of openings for his wordplay. He dodges in and out of the conversation, tossing up verbal smokescreens whenever the opportunity arises. Various unidentified young men with indeterminatefunctions wander in and out of the room vying for the actor’s attention. One in baseball cap and T-shirt, whom River introduces as ”JK, my manager”, carries a wine bucket and seems to be responsible for procuring cold beer.
I knew we were in for an interesting ride when River bounced in ten minutes late looking like James Dean in wrap-around shades (which he kept on throughout the interview) and short brown jeans that revealed several inches of his hairy ankles above side-zip leather pointy boots, and asked to use the bathroom. A few minutes later he returned, introduced himself, and plopped distractedly on to the couch next to Van Sant. My female friends lately had been salivating about what a hunk the 20-year-old had become. Frankly, I never understood what they were talking about until this afternoon.
……(The Face No 42 March 1992)
RIVER PHOENIX AND I ARE GOING DOWNTOWN TO THE MUSIC store so he can buy a twelve-string guitar. On the dashboard of my rented Taurus he is demonstrating his ideas about living in the present. ”If your mind’s up here,” he says, his long fingers sliding up the blue padded dashboard, ”and you’re really down here...”-he thumps the base of the vinyl hill-”then the guy down here isn’t getting any attention.”
“Often The Most Sensitive Suffer From A Painful World”
這是The Animals Agenda( Jan/Feb 1994)悼念文章的標題。這是我所能理解的解釋之一。是我願意相信的理由。
River Calling…
Hello, Bill. If you’re sleeping, please, by all means, ignore this message. But in fact if you are awake, then you’d better not ignore me….I had the most amazing day. It was just beautiful, the things I learned, through pain and through misunderstanding, and through being displaced, discombobulated. I come out on my last day of work (on I Love You to Death) as a triumphant failure. I stand here; need not I die nor need I drink, for I know that my soul will keep. And who’s to say he or she or it is the one, for I only know from where it has begun….Doctor Bill…where am I coming from? Who cares? Do I need to know where they’re coming from to get along with them? No. I accept them. But I come from a place that is foreign, a place where no other eyes see….The stuff is so vague….In case. And did you know that. There is.
don’t understand. Beep.
Life is multi-layered and there’s no way I could do my life justice in one pat answer.”── River Phoenix
Forever young.
River Phoenix Gone but not Forgotten。仍然被深深懷念著,被喜愛著。
就像River在《MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO 》中最有名的劇照之一:River 穿著紅色牛仔褲孤獨地走在沙漠旁的公路上,長長延伸的那條路。
And this road will never end.
【Rewind 1 】 River’s Edge
【Rewind 2 】River’s Edge
(也包括死後才發行的影片。其實看看年表,他短短的一生都在拍電影,沒有一年有停過,他的天才使得他成為年輕演員中最傑出的佼佼者,不曾成為所謂的‘過氣童星’, 而且後來還是往獨立製片奉獻的那種孩子。)
The Thing Called Love (1993) .... James Wright
Dark Blood (1993) .... Boy
Sneakers (1992) .... Carl
Dogfight (1991) .... Eddie Birdlace
My Own Private Idaho (1991) .... Mike Waters
I Love You to Death (1990) .... Devo Nod
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) .... Young Indy
Running on Empty (1988) .... Danny Pope / Michael Manfield
Little Nikita (1988) .... Jeff Grant
A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon (1988) .... Jimmy Reardon
The Mosquito Coast (1986) .... Charlie Fox
Stand by Me (1986) .... Chris Chambers
前頭 就是演弟弟的小演員
聽劇組說 就是 很愛“卡位”的那位
river他妹叫summer,拍過一部esther khan(不確定),坎城參賽的法國片,我也沒看過。
但她演過一部英國片suzie gold,典型趨勢劇,類似我的希臘婚禮那種喜劇。很不錯。他妹長得有點像parker posey(美國獨立製片界的女王,亨利你這個大笨蛋女主角)。SUMMER嫁給了今年提名奧斯卡最佳男配角的凱西愛佛列克(也就是班艾佛列克的弟弟),非常棒的性格演員。
是向 茱蒂福斯特及River
感念River對同志運動的激勵..... 2009-07-17 20:15:30