2005-04-21 23:45:44Debbie

May You Both Be Happy

i did a big thing before my birthday.
i told a boy that i like him!
i was crossed in love.
he didn't like me.
i didn't do anything for my broken heart.
becaue i can't!
too much problems came to me at the same time.
about friendship,family and school...
even the things about boys!
how do you feel if your best friend also like a boy whom you like,
and that boy finally fell in love with your best friend..?
i think you would not do everything in this situation
and how do you feel if some guys hate you?
it's enough!
i was nearly crezy!!
i know i have wrong..
and i know that love can't be importuned.

but now,i am fine..
i solved the problems by myself.
i love my friends,my family and my life.
and i chose them.
to have a lover or not is not important anymore.
i'll regard this experience as a memory.
i'll may them both be happy....