2014-01-23 11:52:55蒼子


“He either fears his fate too much, or his deserts are small. That dares not put it to the touch, To gain or lose it all.”-MARQUISOF MONTROSE


These lines from the seventeenth-centuryMarquis of Montrose have special meaning for me because of the way in whichfirst heard them.

The greatest military operation of historywas the Allied invasion of Normandyin June 1944.Probably no other operation ever received such careful planningand meticulous attention to its smallest requirements. For months the trainingareas, airfields and ports of Great Britain hummed with the activity ofsoldiers, sailors and airmen. Important phases of the invasion plan wererehearsed in great maneuvers which reproduced with all possible realism theconditions anticipated in combat.

As D Day approached, the senior commandersassembled their principal subordinates for a final review of the plans. Thelargest conference of this kind was held in St. Paul’sScholl in Londonunder the monitorship of Field Marshal Montgomery. Here the Allied commandersof all the services consulted together and verified the readiness of theirpreparations.

After a long day of earnest discussions, asthe meeting was about to adjourn, Marshal Montgomery arose and gave a finaladdress in which he expressed his confidence in the success of this greatenterprise. In closing, he commended to us the words of Montrose I have quoted.They were with me on D Day in Normandyand have been with me ever since as a spur to decisive action when the cardsare down.

I stress the importance of the context,because in themselves these words might be taken simply as poetic counsel to arash willingness to “shoot the works,” But with the background of our carefulpreparations for Normandy,they become a rejection of fear of failure after every preparation has been

I stress the importance of the context,because in themselves these words might be taken simply as poetic counsel to arash willingness to “shoot the works.” But with the background of our carefulpreparations for Normanday, they become a rejection of fear of failure afterevery preparation has been made and every contingency anticipated.

Assuming such preparations, these words saythat there are times in the lives of both men and nations when we must bewilling to risk much in order to win much. They are a counsel against timidityand for the bold recognition of those great moments when we must be prepared to“let the chips fall where they may.” In these troubled times we can exerteffective leadership only if it is apparent to the whole world that there arecertain things so important that, regardless of hazard, we dare to put all tothe test, as becomes a people whose deserts are large. 

















上一篇:On Courtesy
