2006-08-14 00:15:43蒼子

Do You Know How Important You Are to Me?

I’d like to share this thought with you, to tell you that you mean the world to me.

In loving you, I have experienced the happiness, the hurt, the feeling of forever, the need to be with you and love you.

It’s all here inside me.

It’s you I always think about

It’s you I always miss, and it will always be you, because you are the one I love.

To me, love means forever.

No one will ever take your place or know me as you do.

I’ll never love anyone the way I love you.

這篇轉載文是小弟我在紐西蘭時逛書店買的書籤,在台灣大夥可能感覺書籤就像面紙一樣非常便宜,書局和書展常常擺一堆任顧客拿取,然而,紐西蘭的紙質書籤大多得要兩塊錢以上(折合台幣四十元),更有甚者一張三、四塊錢也不為過,很難想像對吧?就連製作精美的明信片大多也不過一張一塊錢,有些小張的還十張兩塊錢哩。但我還是在紐西蘭買了幾張紙書籤,原因無它,上頭寫的字句我很喜歡罷了…(這是所謂的知識經濟還是民族差異性?乖乖 一張紙幾十塊orz)


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