OM parfum Mary Jane, Ode to You
夏天來了我要去海邊~(被打)在那之前先來看看 帶給我們的夏天。English review is at the end, please scroll down to learn more.
- 這次的兩支新作Mary Jane跟Ode to You,主題上好像沒有很關聯的地方,唯一要說相同的地方就是「夏天」了。台灣的夏天總是異常悶熱,能用的香水選擇也常常被縮限,但這次的兩支都是較為輕盈的香水,在夏天的襯托下我覺得更加大放異彩喔!兩款簡評如下:
瑪莉珍 Mary Jane
致你 Ode to You
後調:Iso E Super、香草、麝香、橡木苔
我本來也挺好奇調香師的愛情會是什麼呈現呢,才知道這是個初戀加一見鍾情的故事。所以不同於愛情主題時常是甜感或花香的方式,致你從微苦的野薄荷跟青澀酸甜的青菊開始,走向充滿被帶有水潤白花香的Hedione修飾的氣泡感辛香木質組合。像極了從一個小男孩的視角,第一次體會戀愛帶來的荷爾蒙充滿全身的感覺。調香師有提過致你的氣味有致敬Gucci pour Homme II,我沒聞過這支,但爬了一下香評我覺得看起來跟我的感覺很相似。有在找這支停產香的替代的請務必試試看喔。
Mary Jane
Top: Rhubarb, Borneol, Eucalyptus Globulus, Pink Peppercorn
Mid: Sage, Nutmeg India, Patchouli
Base: Amber, Ebony Wood, Labdanum Absolute, Cypriol
Review: A recent hot scent theme -- cannabis. Opens with a lot of herbal greens, slightly stings like crushed leaves. Then the scents turned earthy and woody, but still clean and nice. Smelled somewhat like Malin+Goetz Cannabis but without the citrusy and floral. Please do give it a try if you’re looking for a cannabis plant smell.
Ode to You
Top: Wild Mint, Black Tea Natural, Green Mandarine
Mid: Hedione, Clove, Woody Notes, Cade Oil Rectified, Nutmeg Absolute
Base: Iso E Super, Vanilla, Musk, Oakmoss
Review: In the perfumer’s words, this is a “tribute to Gucci pour Homme II.” Starts up with citrusy mandarine and slight bitter herbals, then turns to a beautiful combo of spices. Meanwhile, the Hedione plays an important role in keeping the scents light and fresh. A unique perspective of a spicy fresh scent for summer.
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