2013-10-24 21:32:44十字架的救恩--耶穌























Illustrations of the Son of Man (Part 1)

Scriptures:Luke 13-15

Heart of the Passage:Luke 15


        Teaching that is plain and to the point is bound to produce a response sometimes positive, but more often negative! Christ's sermons are no exception. Never attempting to make God's truth merely palatable or comfortable, Jesus is not afraid to call for repentance (13:3, 5) or to call a fox a "fox" (13:32)! But there is a tender side to His teaching as well. The love of the Savior for lost sinners permeates chapter 15, where three times He states that the heavens rejoice over one lost sinner who repents (15:7, 10, 32).

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Parables of the Danger

Parables of the Cost

Parables of the Lost




Your Daily Walk

        There is no sadder place than a lost and found department. Sad because so many items of value have become separated from their owners. Sad because useful items are sitting uselessly on the shelf. Sad because so many owners have forgotten they lost something. It's bad enough to be an unclaimed object; it's worse yet to be unwanted and unmissed. 
        Luke 15 provides a threefold reminder that God is not a forgetful owner whose lost possession is unwanted. Rather, He is a seeking, searching heavenly Father. Like a tender shepherd ... a meticulous housewife ... a yearning father, He scans high and low for lost sinnerslost objects of His love and concern. In the words of a popular gospel song, "Time after time He has waited before, and now He is waiting again . . . To see if you're willing to open the door; 0 how He wants to come in!" What is your answer to the invitation of your Savior? The angels in heaven are waiting for another reason to rejoice!


The Bible's "Lost & Found" DepartmentLuke 15
        The word sinners (15:1) designates the people of die street whom the Pharisees looked down upon with contempt because they did not know the Law (John 7:49) or keep the traditions of die elders. The Pharisees grumbled because they did not share Jesus' heart for reclaiming lost individuals. In response Jesus tells them three parables about a lost sheep, a lost piece of silver, and a lost son to show that God rejoices over the recovery of even one lost sinner.


God loves each of us as if there were only one of us to love.