2005-11-08 20:53:59感謝主

(旅行)Baby don’t go!

Today I wake up in 4;52 in the morning.
Because my roomate will leave here.
According to their culture,we have to wake up and say good bye to her.
Yesterday they went to the government building and took some pictures.
I told them that the picture looked like they were in Korean drama.
I slept very well last night,I didn’t feel sad about her leaving.
But I cry when she leaves.:P
The cat ran out in the winter when we opened the door.
I hate her!She bite me yesterday"OK,NO FOOD,FOREVER!!"><"
How smart she is,She comes home immidiately....-O-
I decide not to bring her home.
It costs too much money.
I am really poor,really.:P