2002-12-19 22:40:32Jenny


Dear diary,

I went to see a circus show called Berzercus at my brother Mick's first school tonight. There were only two men in that circus. They were quite nice actually. I especially liked the first part after the break when you had all the lights off and it was pretty scary. And then they got out some balls (first 3 balls, later 6 balls) with light of different colour, blue, red, and green. They juggled them so fast that it looked like there were 15 balls and 3 arms and hands. It was AMAZING! The balls glowed in the dark like crystal balls in the fairy tales, the crystal balls of the wicked that, oh, it gave me the shudders. It was amazing to see the balls flying through the air because the lights were out so you can't see the person who was juggling them. It's just like Magic! I was a bit dazed, through, when the lights were switched on again and you can't help to feel it. ‘There will be a really magic on the 2nd part,’ one of those men said.

Well, so guess what sort of magic did they do? As same as last year! Well, it worked this time? It did, boring! I still say the balls juggling in the dark (I just wrote) are my favorite part of the whole show. OK, I think the juggling bit with clubs on one-wheel bike was great too, but it’s boring too because I've seen it before. So that wasn't my favorite.

I guess nearly all the circuses are nearly the same?

By Jenny.

英國的小學常常「自力救濟」,每年的特定節日都會舉辦一些園遊會、跳蚤市場、Disco舞會、戲劇或是雜耍表演籌措經費,順便和學生及家長同樂,入場券大概在一鎊至三鎊間,一年多來,我們家幾乎是「無役不與」,不管是Jenny的middle school,或是Mick的first school舉辦,我們都會抽空參加,今天是這個term的最後一天,circus就是以聖誕節的名義辦的。