2004-06-15 03:55:11Jenny




Cats are lovely animals, but when put in a show, they are not only lovely, but also exciting. If you are an animal-lover, then Cats is the show for you.

We saw Cats at the Bristol Hippodrome theatre. We got some really nice places; it's in the third row and right in the middle too! The setting was a larger-than-life junkyard. I spotted a takeaway dish, an old car, a can of salt, a shopping trolley and a few other things as well.

A big bang and a flash and I saw a lot of pairs of eyes flashing. They flashed really quickly, I felt really dizzy just staring at them and I couldn't bear to look at them. Then the cats came on. There were many different types of cat: tabby cats, gumbie cats, white cats, black cats… My favorite cat was a black and white cat called Quax, who is otherwise known as Mr. Mistofelees (the conjuring cat). I liked him because he could dance really well and he was handsome- for a cat that is. I especially liked the tricks he did because they were cool. I especially liked it when he conjured up the old cat leader from under a red cloth. I guess it was really the way that he twirled around which made me like him so much.

The other cat I liked was Mukustrap, the large gray tabby. I liked him because he had a good singing voice. He also stood up to Macavity the cat villain, and fought him. What I liked best about him was that he stood up to what he thinks was right-and did whatever was right too.

A more comical Character-or should I say cat (?) was Jennyanydots, the old fat Gumbie cat, who sat around all day long, which made her a Gumbie cat!

The part of show which I liked best was the song before the last, in which Grizebella, the chosen Jellicle cat who is going to a place to be reborn, well, she stood up a stair case, which led to nowhere. It was a really good atmosphere because there were smoke everywhere and there were light bulbs around the stage, which shone brightly, creating a nice effect.

Looks like cats have exciting lives. There's the Jellicle ball, the Jellicle choice-it's when the Jellicle leader chooses a cat to journey to Heaviside layer to be reborn to a new life, there's a lot of crimes-and crime busting to do.
So, do you want to be a Jellicle cat?



